Sunday, July 7, 2024

The Roundup with Jeff Stockton (Season 30 Round 4)

For a change all three films are profitable, but not by much. Here's The Roundup....
3. Profits
This one is a bit of a backhanded positive. All three films earned a profit this round, which usually is a good sign for the box office, but this time the profits were quite low outside of Deathstroke's numbers.

2. Deathstroke
Deathstroke was a great, gritty throwback revenge action story. John McTiernan was a welcome addition behind the camera, making for a vintage affair. I was a little worried about this one to be honest with JCVD as the main star in a superhero film, but it all surprisingly works thanks to brutal action and a strong but simple story.

1. Klitih: A Way of Life
If you ask me, Klitih is far and away Meirad Tako's best directorial effort. It was a structurally sound story that seemed like it was going to be something more usual before taking some dark and twisted turns. The story becomes even more frightening after learning that it is inspired by a real life criminal movement in Indonesia.

3. N/A

2. Tara's World
Tara's World simply was not as good as the first film. The casting wasn't as good, Grant Gustin being the prime example (but not the only one). The plot itself also had too many wrinkles. I hope for a third film, Jacob Jones goes back to the basics more with the story.

1. Blockbusters
Would you believe me if I told that through four rounds, there has yet to be any film with a budget of $100 million or more? 

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