Monday, July 1, 2024

Interview: Meirad Tako

In the latest edition of Interview, Last Resort Films president Phil Dolan sits down with the one and only Meirad Tako to discuss his latest directorial effort, Klitih: A Way of Life....

PD: Your latest film, Klitih: A Way of Life, feels different than previous films on your resume. Can you talk a little bit about your inspirations for the film?

MT: Is it!?, welp, i didn't realize. To be honest, the main inspiration of the story is reality. I don't know much about it, but I've read multiple source on it. Klitih, the act of random killing done by teens and late teens, have existed in Yogyakarta since the 90s or even later, depending on who you ask. It's been known and have been neglected by the government and breeds itself among the local. When i wrote the script the news about it were viral and people on the internet are quick to give their thoughts and solution on the problem but most have been rejected or argued against by Yogyakartans. At the time also, several of my senior in college is having KKN (Kuliah Kerja Nyata), a mandatory program for all university student to implement their knowledge directly to village people, is sent to Yogyakarta in a village that i already forgot, they have talked about meeting some klitih doers that have been let loose. Several news also said that several of these kids that murdered other people have been released due to Indonesia Law on Child Criminal, or so they say. As a law student it don't make sense cause it's not true, according to Article 12 Paragraph 2 point a of Law Number 11 of the Year 2012 on Juvenile Justice System, you can't bail children that have done crime that has maximum penalty of more than 7 years in prison, killing, according to article 338 of Indonesian Penal Code has a penalty of maximum 15 years in prison. That's that. To be honest, i kind of regret writing the story that can be perceived as glorifying it, which i don't but perception is subjective and i can't control how people perceive things which mainly due to my fault on the way i write it.

PD: You last two films, Something and/or Nothing and Who Do You Trust When the World is at War?, both won GRA trophies. Does that increase your expectations going forward?

MT: For GRA? Well, as i believe all writers do, i always have feeling that my work is going to be awarded in some kind. So yeah, i have some degree of expectations on this.

PD: Do you have any new projects in the works?

MT: I've been meaning to write another movie but all falls flat into something cringy, so sadly, i have no confirmed project to share, i only can confirm that I'm still writing movie until this moment.

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