Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Now Showing: Tara's World


Tara's World
Genre: Drama/Erotic
Director: Lynne Ramsay
Writer: Jacob Jones
Sequel to Tara's Web
Cast: Victoria Pedretti, Grant Gustin, Kristine Froseth, Keke Palmer, Isabella Ferreira, Will Chase, Damien Priest, Corey Stoll

Plot: Out among the rainy skies, a woman wanders the streets of New York City wearing a trenchcoat and hat to keep herself hidden before finally coming across a restaurant labeled “Flippin’ Freddy’s”. She steps in, noticing the group of people scattered about. She steps in line, muttering to herself before finally it’s her turn to order. She asks for a burger with a medium fry and takes her seat. As she does so, she looks up at a nearby TV, watching a news story about a woman who led three people to their arrest. She lets out a sly grin before receiving her order.

The woman stays inside the restaurant in various ways until night falls. A lone employee sweeps up for the night when his broom touches something. He looks under the table, surprised to find a woman sleeping under. He wakes her up, telling her that she can’t stay here, they’re closed for the night, only for the woman to turn it around and shove the janitor onto the table. She smirks, taking off her hat and trenchcoat, revealing only lacy black lingerie. She tells him that she’ll stay, as she offers a great price. With that, she takes off her bra, revealing her chest. Stunned, the janitor tells her that it’s fine so long as no one squeals. She assures him that they’ll be fine. Besides, once a spider’s got you in her web, you’re in it forever.

Early the next morning, a snappy-dressed businessman is rushed inside his car by his assistant, alerted of an unusual occurrence. Upon reaching the door, his eyes widen to find a topless woman waking up. She waves back, nonchalant as ever. He opens the door, glancing at the woman, asking if this is a dream. She shrugs, asking if he wants his fantasy to be fulfilled.

The two laugh it off before the businessman introduces himself as James Sampson (Grant Gustin), son of Griffin Sampson. Tara (Victoria Pendretti) introduces herself, impressed by his pedigree. James admits it’s nothing special, just a local fast-food chain. Tara then looks outside, noticing a freaked-out group of people, and suggests heading off. James offers to find her some new clothes.

A few minutes later, a newly clothed Tara and James walk among the streets of New York, Tara revealing that she’s been wanted by the FBI for grand theft. A car here, some jewelry there, but really, all she’s guilty of is stealing hearts. James smirks, reminding her that she was the one who manipulated a man into doing her bidding. Yet, he’s not turning her in because, in all honesty, he’s impressed. He’s heard of her legend for many years and is a celebrity around these parts. Flattered, Tara asks if she can visit his house, convinced she’s likely never to see her mansion again.

After much driving, James and Tara arrive at his house. Inside, Tara gets acquainted with his financial consultant, Eden (Isabelle Ferrera), and enters his bedroom where she spots a large blueprint. James reveals that this is for a gentleman’s club he’s always wanted to open, but never been able to due to financial reasons. She offers to help bankroll, citing her immense amount of cash. Just let her be the face and he can do the rest.

Grateful, James vigorously shakes Tara’s hand, saying that she’s got a deal. Tara does however one more request, strutting toward the bed and getting down on all fours. After confirming that he’s single (despite several attempts at relationships), Tara takes off her clothes, asking if he’d like a bit of fast action. Aroused, James agrees, buttoning off his shirt. What follows is a passionate sexual exchange that ends with Tara cuddling James’s chest, telling him that they’re going to make for great business partners.

A whole year later, in front of a sleek building, James steps forward in front of a crowd of eager upper-class men to introduce the hottest new club in town, The Web. Several scantily clad women usher several guys inside the building, decked to the nines with the finest designs and furniture. On top of the tables are several strippers dancing provocatively, Tara watching on, impressed with their work.

Later that afternoon, James and Tara are interviewed by Sam Sheffield (Will Chase), a reporter for the local news. During said interview, an argument breaks out involving several men, James is about to break them up when Tara snaps her fingers, bringing in a tall, muscular man, choking out two men. She introduces the audience to Cliff Hyde (Damien Priest), a bouncer for the Web. He winks to the camera before throwing the belligerents out.

That evening, Tara checks up on Cliff, who reveals the brawlers have been turned to by the authorities. Impressed, she pecks him on the cheek and tells him that he’s earned a reward. Calling a limo, the two ride off to Tara’s mansion, and traverse into Tara’s bedroom. Cliff sits in bed, watching Tara perform a striptease of her own, complete with hip-shaking and “accidental” nip-slips”. As Tara climbs onto the bed, Cliff reaches out to her, only for Tara to wring her hand around his throat, reminding him that she makes the first move. From there, she takes off her top and the two begin to passionately make out

The next afternoon, Tara walks in early, checking in on her fellow models. Two in particular catch her eye, AJ (Kristine Froseth) and Deanna (Keke Palmer). Full of spunk, AJ shakes Tara’s hand, profusely thanking her for the opportunity. Deanna stays behind, looking at Tara with disinterest. Eden walks in, making sure that everything is alright. Tara teasingly claims everything will be once Deanna smiles. She does, but only when she spots Eden. They’re ready to go for tonight. As AJ and Eden make their exit, Deanna looks toward Tara, asking if she’s the same woman who conned three people and threw them into jail.

“The one and only. Why, do you want an autograph?” Tara asks.

Deanna sneers, claiming that she would have gone further. Tara smirks, asking her to prove it tonight. That evening, Deanna does so with a topless performance for the crowd. Tara watches on, nodding as the group hoots and hollers. At the end of the day, Tara comes up to Deanna and congratulates her on a ‘fine’ performance. Now keep going. Deanna rolls her eyes and walks off. Eden watches on, unnerved by what happened. James rolls in soon after, preventing Eden from talking to her. The two are about to head off when they come across Sam, noticeably more disheveled and slurring his words as he proceeds to interview the duo again. Seeing this, AJ skips up, wanting to join, only for Eden to usher her away.

That evening, James and Tara are in the middle of another sex session, but Tara stops. James asks her if something’s wrong. Tara claims it’s nothing, saying it’s just, she’s gotten to know him for quite a bit now and she’s grown to admire him over the year plus. But also, the house he’s living in is kind of outdated. She admits that the mansion she thought was condemned was still in good shape and asks James if he’d want to move in. James thinks about it and asks for a tour tomorrow.

The morning after, James arrives via limo at a large mansion, being greeted by Cliff who opens the door. His jaw soon drops when he sees Tara in the most alluring bit of lingerie imaginable. She welcomes James into his mansion and thus begins the grand tour. All goes well until the very end when they hear loud noises from outside. Tara goes outside to find a clearly intoxicated Sam wrestling with Cliff. She breaks the skirmish up, telling Cliff to stay with James.

In a small, empty room, Sam slumps onto the chair, being interrogated by Tara as to why he keeps messing around with them. She cracks Sam with a whip on the chest before he breaks, revealing that his family died in a fire accident, including his wife and kid. Taking pity on the man, Tara offers to spend some time with him, at least until he’s well and good, taking Sam by the hand and entering the bedroom, a bottle of wine by the bed. That evening, the two partake in mad drunken sex when Cliff walks in, having finished the tour for Tara. Tara caresses Sam, calling him a “good boy” when she learns that James had “business” to take care of after the tour.

Said business comes when James discovers AJ in lingerie, wanting to test out some new moves. She presses James onto the couch, clumsily posing for him before pulling herself onto his body…

The next evening, Eden tends to Tara with herheadache when she sees AJ and Deanna make their way up on stage. Eden questions how they ended up in this business venture. Tara merely tells her that’s how some people are. No need to judge them. Eden is about to answer back when her jaw drops, pointing at a fully nude Deanna dancing on top of a table, despite there being some clear discomfort on her face. Upon seeing some pervs trying to get frisky with her, Tara steps in, throwing them out. As she makes her way back to her seat, she spots Sam who thanks her for being there for him last night, he owes her one and exits. As Sam leaves, Cliff sees that he dropped his phone, but he’s too late to catch up to Sam. Instead, Cliff hands it off to James.

As The Web closes up, James is about to put the phone away when AJ pops in, asking if she can take the phone home for “safe-keeping”, promising to be careful. Reluctantly, James accepts, walking her skip away as the memory of their encounter plays in his mind.

Tara checks up on Deanna and commends her performance. Deanna, still a bit shaken up, claims that she knew what she was doing. It’s there Tara decides that the time has come to up the ante, inviting her to the mansion for one last test. Before introducing her to Cliff, Tara asks Deanna if she’s ever had sex before. On the bed, Cliff and Deanna proceed to make out, Tara examining Deanna’s progress. Deanna attempts to take off her clothes, unsure of what she’s doing. Finally, she admits that she can’t do it and runs out with the blanket wrapped around her.

Tara rushes outside, seeing the embarrassed Deanna hiding on the front. Deanna tells Tara that she’s a virgin, uncomfortable with having sex with other people after being taken advantage of in the past. The only reason she took the job was because she was desperate for money and wanted to seem cool. Tara understands, expressing sympathy for “this bullshit” and being proud of Deanna for finding a boundary, something she never had.

James has trouble sleeping and opts to call Eden. It takes a bit as it appears Eden is busy, but she does call. James asks her if she’s doing something wrong, claiming he may be committing adultery with AJ over Tara. Eden asks James if he’s having any sexual thoughts for both. James is, more so with Tara, but he can’t get the image of AJ in lingerie out of his head. Eden suggests boundaries just in case.

The next evening, all appears normal with The Web when Tara receives some disturbing messages from Sam on her phone. Incensed, Tara tells James that she’s leaving early. Upon alerting Cliff of the news, the two drive off to Sam’s house, the former introducing herself to Sam. The two seat themselves in the kitchen, Tara interrogating Sam on the disturbing texts. Sam claims his innocence, only for the words to contradict his actions. Tara calls Sam out on being that desperate and accuses him of faking his family’s death for pity points. With that in mind, Tara tells Sam to take a good look at her, flashing him before Cliff stabs Sam in the back repeatedly, killing him in a flash. Cliff and Tara then bury the body outside the house, driving off before anyone can see them.

Sam’s disappearance is the main story going forward as the news station he’s employed holds a search and rescue party. James expresses his disappointment in the matter, while Tara refuses to comment, instead asking where Eden is. As it turns out, she’s taking the day off. That evening, before The Web closes up, Tara sees a slightly disheveled AJ preparing to go home. Tara checks up on her, making sure the job isn’t too stressful. AJ admits that it’s not easy working with finances, having graduated with a graphic arts degree, but she’ll manage. The two manage a brief discussion, Tara getting a cutesy, almost soft girl-like interior from AJ, perhaps too much. As Tara wishes AJ a good night, she opts to keep an eye on her.

The first sign of trouble comes a few days later when Eden still hasn’t come to work. Opting to get to the bottom of this, Tara and Cliff drive to Eden’s quaint little house and go in search of her, looking everywhere with no luck until Tara hears music froma nearby room. The two enter Eden’s bedroom, taken aback to find Eden stripped down to her underwear, provocatively dancing with her laptop on. When Eden finds Tara, she’s horrified and turns everything off. Tara’s chill with it, admitting that she always knew Eden had this side in her, instead asking where she’s been. Eden claims that James told her to take the week off, something Tara doesn’t recall happening. Eden assures Tara that she’ll return to work tomorrow, barring any further matters. Afterward, Eden shows Tara what webcamming is like.

James sits in his office, debating everything that’s happened recently when AJ waltzes in, asking where Tara and Cliff are. James tells her that they’re in search of Eden. AJ proceeds to sit on his desk, flirting with James all the while. Seeing the direction of this conversation, James backs off, telling AJ that they can’t keep doing this. His heart lies with Tara. AJ assures him that one more time isn’t going to hurt anything, putting on the puppy-dog eyes. When Tara returns to deliver the news, she finds AJ and James making out by the office walls.

AJ dismisses herself, leaving Tara to question James’s part in the matter. James confesses that not only has AJ been trying to take advantage of him, but he feels she’s put sexual pressure on him, revealing the lingerie incident. To James’s relief, Tara forgives him on the grounds that AJ is fired. The two shake on it and share a kiss. Outside James’s office, AJ has overheard the whole thing and runs off before anyone can notice. AJ drives off, enraged over being foiled. She enters her house, ready to trash the living room when she accidentally turns on the TV, the mystery of Sam’s disappearance still a top story. Curious, she drives to the scene of the crime, finding the burial spot. She looks around the area, including the house, for clues, stopping when she comes across a knife full of dry blood.

The next day, Tara, Cliff, and James spot a commotion ongoing at The Web and intervene, asking what’s going on. To their surprise, AJ pops through, accusing Tara of murdering Sam, claiming to have found the knife. Tara objects to this, claiming that she wasn’t the one responsible. It’s no excuse, AJ claims, she’s still guilty by association. Cliff appears ready to rip AJ’s head off when the police, particularly an officer named Joe (Corey Stoll), swoop in, gun in his hand as he calls for everyone to stand back. He goes to handcuff Tara, only for Cliff to try and stab him. Tara tells him to settle down, she’s got this.

Tara and Cliff are led to the back of the police car, the former being caught up by AJ. She smirks, revealing that while Tara’s been away, screwing everyone’s brains out, AJ’s been the mastermind this whole time. As Tara watches AJ skip off, her eyes dart toward Joe as he drives off, another plan forming in her mind.

“She may have gotten away with it this time, but every spider knows when to bite back…”

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