Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Now Showing: Paradise Lost

Paradise Lost
Director: Tarsem Singh
Cast: Bradley Cooper, Henry Cavill, Oscar Isaac, Edgar Ramirez, Mahershala Ali, Timothee Chalamet, Rami Malek, Brian Tee, Frank Dillane, Margaret Qualley

Plot: God creates the angels, starting with Lucifer (Bradley Cooper) and Michael (Henry Cavill) to stand with him. Lucifer is full of questions for his creator, whereas Michael is simply ready to serve. God then creates Gabriel (Oscar Isaac) to be his voice. Following them are the rest of the seven archangels: Raphael (Rami Malek), Uriel (Timothee Chalamet), Abdiel (Edgar Ramirez) and Sammael (Mahershala Ali). After the creation of the archangels, dozens more angels are created beneath them. They all look to Lucifer and ask if he is their creator.

The Lord has the archangels begin to create the physical universe. As the universe they have created begins to expand around them, Lucifer sheds a tear at the wonder of creation. He and Michael discuss why it all has been created. Michael assures Lucifer that if they remain loyal to the Lord all his questions will be answered in time. Lucifer sees his reflection for the first time in the crystal lake in the heavenly city and realizes he is brighter and more glorious than all the other angels, even his brothers Gabriel and Michael.

Michael and Lucifer are sent to fiery surface of Earth, giant fountains of magma spew from giant cracks in the crust. The other archangels hurl a meteor at Earth, kick-starting creation on the planet around Michael and Lucifer. They watch as life quickly evolves all around them, as the oceans settle, as mountains rise, and prehistoric life is born. They watch as a lion pounces on a gazelle and eats it. Gabriel/The Lord tells them that it is death and that Lucifer has allowed its intrusion into the world. Lucifer flies up to God's Throne Room, with Michael and Gabriel giving chase. God tells Lucifer that his vanity is what allowed disharmony to enter the world. God tells the three of them to go to Eden.

In Eden, Lucifer, Michael and Gabriel witness Adam (Frank Dillane) emerge from the clay. They inform him about the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil and tell him that the fruit from it is forbidden by God. Gabriel/The Lord tells Adam to tend and cultivate the lands beyond Eden.

The archangels are all told to bow down before Adam. Michael does so without heistation and is followed by Raphael, Uriel and Abdiel. Sammael begrudgingly drops to a knee. Lucifer refuses. He tells Gabriel/God that he refuses to serve Adam, an inferior being. Lucifer flies out of the heavenly city.

Sammael leads a group of lesser angels to join Lucifer. Lucifer tasks Sammael with going back to the heavenly city to try to recruit the other archangels to join them. Raphael pledges his allegience to Michael to fight against Lucifer's rebellion. Michael goes to Lucifer to convince him to give up his rebellion, but it results in the start of the first war.

Lucifer's bodyguards attempt to shackle Michael, but the tips of his wings become blades and slice the guards in half. Michael is distraught that he has brought death into God's kingdom just as Lucifer had brought it into creation. Gabriel/The Lord arrives and tells Lucifer that if he does not give up that he will be banished from Heaven forever. Lucifer creates a sword and slashes through one of Gabriel's wings. He then slashes Michael across the chest. Michael is taken back to the throne room to allow his wound to heal. There, he asks God to allow him to be his General. Uriel informs them that Lucifer and his army are on their way and that they must protect the throne room.

Lucifer's army and Michael's army clash in the heavenly city. Lucifer informs Michael that all will cower beforehim - Satan. Satan's army proves too much to handle and Michael orders his men to fall back. Raphael and Gabriel arrive to help Michael, Abdiel and Uriel.

Abdiel sacrifices himself and is tranformed into Azrael, Angel of Death. Azrael attacks Satan's army with his scythe, which doesn't just kill - it completely annihilates anyone he strikes with it. Azrael opens up a trench that Satan and his rebel angels are sucked into. Satan and his minions have been banished to Hell. Sammael is now the demon Beelzebul, another fallen angel has become Moloch (Brian Tee), Lord of Destruction.

Back in Heaven, the Lord requests that Michael now carry the light Lucifer once carried. Gabriel/The Lord presents Adam with Eve (Margaret Qualley), and reminds them of the rule about the forbidden fruit. Satan decides to corrupt the newly created Earth and God's most favored creation, Mankind. He traverses through Chaos and manages to enter Earth and the Garden of Eden.

Satan disguises himself as a snake and gets Eve to eat from the Tree. Adam then knowingly commits the same sin. After eating the fruit, Adam and Eve have lustful sex and fall asleep. They both have nightmares and experience guilt and shame for the first time.

Meanwhile, Satan has returned triumphantly to Hell, knowing Mankind has fallen. Raphael informs Michael what Satan has done. Michael takes the remaining archangels with him as he decides to take the battle to Satan in Hell. When they find Satan, they see he has become a dragon-like Devil. Satan leads the battle out into the Garden, which becomes Hell-like.

Uriel and Raphael fight their way through Satan's horde, clearing a path for Michael to get to Satan himself. Azrael makes his way into the battle. Satan tells Beelzebul and Moloch to occupy Michael while he kills Azrael and takes his scythe. Michael kills Moloch and Beelzebul. Satan starts heading towards Heaven. Michael leaves Raphael in charge of the army while he goes after Satan. Michael and Satan fight at the portal to Heaven. Gabriel/The Lord comes down and helps Michael banish Satan back to Hell.

Adam and Eve leave the Garden and settle down and start a family.

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