Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Now Showing: High Society

High Society
Genre: Sci-Fi/Thriller
Director: George Miller
Writer: James Morgan
Cast: Michael B. Jordan, George Clooney, Angelina Jolie, Jesse Eisenberg, Frank Langella, Evan Rachel Wood, Bill Skarsgard, John Lithgow, Jessica Pare

Plot : In a distant future, recluse scientist Danny McDonald (Jesse Eisenberg) looks one last time at the steps of a procedure he created. He gets out of his apartment, with his lab vest and his stuff in a suitcase. Outside, a vast city, filled with skyscrapers. Ryder, even after all these years, is still amazed of the beauty of the city. He can only help but think that nobody thought life on another planet would be possible, but here he is, walking on a planet many light years away from Earth. He takes the ultra-modern subway to the hospital, where his first procedure must be performed. He enters the building and as he's getting ready, multiple employees enter the operation block with the patient, who's all banged up. They tell McDonald that he has a huge job ahead of him and he acknowledges. He washes his hands, takes his briefcase with him and he closes the door behind him.

Russell James (Michael B. Jordan) is sitting at home, reading his holographic newspaper, talking to his robotic dog, his only friend. He stumbles across an article about a brand new, untested medical procedure that the government intends on testing soon. He tells his dog that he's in awe of what science can do now. He likes the article to show is support to the man behind the procedure and he closes the newspaper. He dresses up and leaves his house and gets in his car. He exits his driveway and starts driving around the city. He enters an intersection and another car violently hits his. Paramedics arrive, and they discover that James is still breathing. They take him to the hospital.

Even after all these years, people, no, rich people, still enjoy classical music. Several classical music shows are always filled with the high society members every night. When people attend these concerts, they're pretty much assured to meet the ultimate power couple of Terra Nostra, Henry (George Clooney) and Olivia (Angelina Jolie) George. Henry George is the CEO of George Corporation, the company who pretty much build everything on the planet. He was one of the first man to arrive, at the tender age of 18. Henry and Olivia are in their luxury suite at the concert. They're secretly meeting with the mayor of the city of Newport, Jack Perry (Frank Langella) to discuss business. What they don't know is that secret agent Will Newman (Bill Skarsgaard), a.k.a. W-17 i spying on them from the other side of the room. He hears bits of their conversation from a bug placed under one of the seats. Just moments after mayor Perry leaves, a woman enters the George suite and throws a dart at Olivia. She faints, and the mysterious woman goes away. Will Newman tries to follow her outside, but she's too fast and she outruns him. He tries to call the Agency to report what he just saw, but he's knocked down by the woman.

Russell James awakens, in the hospital bed. He doesn't see anyone with and around him. He opens the hologram in front of him by making a quick head movement. He scrolls through the menus with his eyes and selects the option to call a nurse. A nurse arrives and presents herself as Barbara Kinsley (Jessica Pare). She explains to Russell that he's been in a terrible car accident and that he almost died. James tries to stand up, but he's unable to feel his legs of even move his arms. She says that he lost the usage of both his arms and legs. James doesn't understand he tries even more to get out of his bed. She tells him again that it's impossible for him to get out of bed. She informs James that she knows he liked an article about a new procedure. She tells him that the procedure would help him regain control and feelings of his legs and arms, but it would completely erase his memory and he would have to work for the government, until he's completely rehabilitated. He quickly thinks about it and he accepts, saying he doesn't have a family, or friends and he would like to walk again. She leaves without saying a word. She comes back a few second later and they roll him out of his room, to the operation block. A man comes in and starts talking to Russell. He tells that everything will be alright. James falls asleep.

Henry George comes out of the hospital with his wife, Olivia, who miraculously survived the attempt on her life. They are interviewed by the national news channel and they announce that a planetary hunt is organised to find the woman who’s responsible for this disgusting act. Mayor Perry follows them, saying he completely supports the hunt and will even compensate the winner, with an honorary award. Will Newman is watching the broadcast with his boss, Mark Benson (John Lithgow). W17 was rescued by another agent, in the middle of the streets after he was knocked down. The datapad containing the conversation between the mayor and the George couple was stolen. Benson declared a state of emergency in the organization. Benson is the head of the SSU, the Secret Service Unit, an unknown organization who works for the Terra Nostra’s central government. W17 was charged by the organization to find a potential link between the George couple and the mayor, after the two are suspected of corruption. They turn off the TV and Benson tells Newman to follow him. He will present him his new teammate. They enter a car and they leave the SSU facility.

Danny McDonald is excited. His patient just woke up. He runs into his chamber and he sees him. His eyes are shiny, unhuman. He cries of joy.

Russell has no idea what to think after he wakes up and sees a man crying in front of him. He moves his right arm and tries to touch the man. He seizes his arm, but he can’t feel anything. The man presents himself, Danny McDonald. He tells him he operated him. It’s normal that he doesn’t remember anything, all his memories are erased. He says he’s now a cyborg, or a clone. The first of his kind. He’s not human anymore. He’s built on a human frame, but he’s a robot, internally. James accepts his new fate and stands up. McDonald asks him to follow him. It feels weird for Russell to walk around, he doesn’t feel anything when he touches the ground, or when he touches something. They end up in a room with a long table and some windows. Russell looks at the George building, towering over every other skyscraper. McDonald explains to him that he now has access to the government’s big data. He can now open a sort of menu with his eyes and he can learn tons of things about people. He tests it on McDonald. He’s surprised by two men entering. The first one, older, is Mark Benson, SSU chief, the other Will Newman, W17, SSU agent. They present themselves and sit down.

Mayor Perry is looking at a bunch of screens on his datapad, with various numbers popping up. He talks to himself, saying he must act and he must act quick. He’s interrupted by a woman entering his office, Jane Mason (Evan Rachel Wood). She gives sits down and gives him the datapad containing the conversation between him and the George. He takes it and slams it to the ground. She asks him why he asked her to kill Olivia. He says that the George couple have been lying to the population for years. Terra Nostra isn’t built to be able to sustain such a high number of people. They’ve been draining its resources for years and he believes everything will stop working in two months time if he doesn’t act now. He wants to make the population of Newport realize that they must stop relying on technology as it’s soon going to stop working. He says he intends to kill the George couple and takeover all of Terra Nostra’s resources. He says she needs to do something about the SSU, as they’ve been on him for quite some time. She says she has plan and leaves. Perry gets up and looks outside, smiling as he looks at George tower.

Henry and Olivia George are throwing a party in the tower tonight, even if everyone told them it’s a bad idea, so soon after the attempt on Olivia’s life. Henry says he doesn’t care. He wants to show the people of Terra Nostra that he’s strong, a great leader. Mayor Perry is present, as always. They have no idea he wants to kill them. They all sit down at a table, waiting to be served, while listening to a classical music orchestra they hired for the night. W17 is spying on them. He contacts Russell James, now codenamed R8, who’s on the floor, in the middle of the guests. They were sent there to protect the George couple, as they need them alive to prove that Mayor Perry is corrupted, in case the mysterious woman shows up again. She’s indeed here, but this time, she’s all dressed up, chic, just like every other guest. She’s sitting at a table with other people she doesn’t know, talking about how she admires Olivia George. She excuses herself and leaves the room. On his end, W17 is hiding in the ceiling, still actively looking for anything suspect. Russell is analyzing everybody in the room, with his new ability. He was about to complete his analysis of Jane Mason, but she left the room, so he didn’t learn anything about the woman he’s unknowingly looking for. Mayor Perry goes on the stage as the classical piece finishes and makes a speech about how great the George are to this planet.

Jane Mason gets out of her car. She ditched her dress for a tight black suit. She climbs on the roof of a house and cuts a hole in it with a laser. She gets inside and quietly walks in the attic. She slowly lowers the staircase leading the to the house. She gets down and slowly makes her way around the house, actively looking for someone. She takes out a sensor and sees a small dot popping up on her right. She opens the door and sees SSU chief, Mark Benson, sleeping. She slowly takes out her gun and takes a pillow lying on a chair. She kills him, silently and leaves the house, silently. She goes back to her car and leaves.

W17 and R8 are meeting outside after the party ended. They go their separate ways. Russell is contacted by Danny McDonald. He asks him to come back to the hospital. They meet up there and McDonald continues to explain to Russell that’s now pretty much and android and doesn’t have feelings. He asks him to sit down and McDonald opens James’ arm. He looks inside, and he sees wires. He looks to see if they’re correctly attached and closes his arm. R8 receives a call from W17, who tells him that their boss is dead. Newman tells him that they need to finish their job and uncover the truth about the mayor and the George couple. When he hangs up, Danny decides to operate Russell to insert a small camera in his eyes to follow him all day long in case he gets in trouble.

The next morning, Henry and Olivia George are organizing another fundraiser at People’s Square, right in front of the gigantic town hall. Henry George is giving a speech and several guests are in attendance. Mayor Perry is in his office and looks down at Henry George and everyone admiring him. Jane is with him and they set up the sniper that will eventually kill the man.

William Newman and Russell James decided to infiltrate the town hall to search in Mayor Perry’s office for evidence of corruption. What they don’t know is that Perry isn’t down with the others, but instead planning on killing someone. They slowly progress in the town hall and are able to pass every metal detectors and magnetic fields without alerting anyone, thanks to their gadgets. However, Jane repeatedly looks at her motion sensor to see if anyone’s approaching. They get in her sensor range and she gets out of the room. After they heard the movement, W17 took no chance and threw a small-scale EMP grenade to disable the technology. Jane is now actively looking for them. They decide to hide in the ceiling, thinking she won’t be able to see them. She looks around and doesn’t find them, she was about to turn back, but she heard something. She cuts a hole in the ceiling with her laser and the two teammates fall on the floor. She throws a net over them with her gun and take them to the mayor’s office.

Mayor Perry, who’s still looking at the George couple from his window, turns around and sees the two secret agents. He starts by telling them his plan for the city. W17 starts to get agitated and Jane Mason kicks him in the face. She recalls beating him down after he chased her. It’s at this moment that they realize that Mayor Perry has been the enemy all along. Mason tries to disturb James, but she’s unable to cause him to feel any kind of pain. Mayor Perry bends over and closely looks in R8’s eyes. He notices something’s wrong and asks Jane to cut him open. She starts with his arm and they discover the wires. Perry now knows he’s an android and says it’s impossible, that nobody’s ever been able to create an android before. He says that he’ll take advantage of him once he killed the George couple and he’ll build himself an army of androids to retain control over his town. Perry decides he’s heard of George’s passionate speech about freedom outside and asks Jane to kill him. She moves towards the sniper.

McDonald, who’s been watching since the beginning, has been thinking about his options in the situation. He can’t call the police, or else they’ll learn that James is an android and that can’t happen, since it’s a top secret government operation. He doesn’t want to kill anyone innocent either. He watches Jane move towards the sniper. He made his choice.

Russell James is starting to feel weird. He moves slowly and grabs his chest. William asks him if he’s alright. Jane turns around and tells them to shut up. Outside, Olivia George has now joined her husband on stage. With the way they’re positioned, Jane could kill them both with one shot. She closely evaluates the situation, as she doesn’t want to miss her shot. James starts screaming behind her and out of nowhere, he explodes. The whole floor blows up and the town hall didn’t resist. It falls on the ground, directly on everyone who was at the fundraiser. Danny McDonald is still sitting in his office, with his finger on the auto-destruct button. He intentionally killed his creation, thinking he was doing something good, but it ended badly. Danny is crying, looking at what he has done on the television broadcast.

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