Thursday, March 15, 2018

Now Showing: Demons

Genre: Horror
Director: Eli Roth
Writer: Gabe Winsor
Based on the 1985 film
Cast: Lili Simmons, Imogen Poots, Nicholas Hoult, Alex Pettyfer, Nick Robinson, Joey King, Thomas Kretschmann, Roselyn Sanchez, Yaya Alafia, Ving Rhames

Plot: While riding the subway to class, music student Cheryl (Lili Simmons) is given a free pass to a movie theater by a silent, imposing man wearing a metal mask. She persuades her classmate, Kathy (Imogen Poots), to skip class and go to the film with her. There they meet two young men, George (Alex Pettyfer) and Ken (Nicholas Hoult). Other attendees include a smoothly dressed black man, Tony (Ving Rhames), and his two girlfriends, Rosemary (Yaya Alafia) and Carmen (Roselyn Sanchez), young couple Tommy (Nick Robinson) and Hannah (Joey King) and blind man Werner(Thomas Kretschmann) and his daughter Liz. In the lobby of the theater, Rosemary tries on a prop demon mask that leaves a cut on her cheek.

Kathy is upset to learn they have come to see a horror film, even though George and Ken offer to "protect" her and Cheryl. In the film, a group of college students ride their motor bikes to the ruins of an old castle rumored to be the burial place of Nostradamus. One of the characters puts on a demon mask identical to the one in the lobby, and it cuts his face. At this moment, the scratch on Rosemary's cheek begins to throb. She goes to the bathroom to take care of it but instead transforms into a demon -- mirroring the character's transformation in the film. Rosemary mauls Carmen, who had followed her to the bathroom. Badly injured, Carmen crashes through the movie screen just as the possessed characters hacks at his friends with a knife.

As the horrified audience crowds around her, Carmen transforms into a demon , while Carmen strangles Liz and gouges out Werner's eyes. She and Rosemary then chase the rest of the audience members through the theater. All of the exits have been boarded up somehow. Believing the film is somehow causing people to become demons, Tony leads Kathy, Cheryl, George and Kelly to the projection booth to shut it down. Finding no one there, they smash the projectors then barricade themselves in the balcony. Werner tells them the film isn't the source of evil, the theater itself is. Now also transformed into demons, Frank and Liz attack the others. Liz bites Tony in the leg while Frank vomits demonic blood all over Hannah.

When four punks manage to break into the theater, the now demonified Werner slips out into a street where he attacks two police officers. Hannah and Tommy try to crawl through a ventilation shaft, but Hannah has been transformed into a demon herself and kills Tommy. Believing the punks are there to rescue them, the survivors begin to tear down the barricades, but this only allows the demons to reach the balcony and attack them. Everyone except Kathy, Cheryl, George and Ken are slaughtered.

George and Ken decide to use the ventilation shafts as well, but before anyone can enter, Kathy begins to transform into a demon as well -- she had swallowed some demon blood during the escape from the balcony. When Ken beats her with the air conditioning grate, a new demon bursts from her back and rakes him across the chest. George is forced to kill him with a prop sword from the lobby. He then rides a fully gassed up motorcycle, another prop in the lobby, to ride through the theater and hack to bits most of the demons, including the four punks.

Then a helicopter crashes through the ceiling. George uses its propeller to kill the rest of the demons and then its winch and grappling hook to access the theater's roof. There the metal mask man attacks them, but George is able to kill him by stabbing him in the eye with a piece of rebar. George and Cheryl make it to the street only to learn the demonic infection has spread into the city, which now resembles a war zone. They are picked up by a man and his children, who have apparently stockpiled weapons for just such an event. As they drive out of the city, Cheryl transforms into a demon, having been infected at some point in the theater. The man's young son quickly guns her down, and they leave her body in the road.

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