Wednesday, March 20, 2019

The Roundup with Jeff Stockton (Season 10 Round 9)

After a round as strong as Round 8 of this season, it only stands to reason that we'd have a big letdown in the following round, so let's get on with The Roundup....
3. Nexus
While I didn't necessarily like Nexus as a whole, I did think that there were some strong aspects to the film. It was nice seeing Ben Kingsley in a big budget film not playing a villain, plus some of the world-building was strong.

2. Creature Feature Series

The studio has teased Clive Steinbeck's proposed Creature Feature series in the past with this film set as the first entry, and if Jersey Devil is any indicator, the series should be full of some fun, schlocky, B-level horror flicks.

1. Jersey Devil
It's not what I would call traditionally good, but Jersey Devil relishes in its gory B-movie glory, with lots of graphic monster scenes and fun character actor work.

3. Nexus
Ultimately, Nexus, was too convoluted and didn't get going nearly quick enough for a big budget sci-fi film. Building a science fiction epic from scratch isn't easy, but you really need to suck the audience right in, rather than give the audience an hour of exposition to start things out. Scion managed to work by giving us a shocking inciting incident early in the film (the destruction of Earth), Nexus just didn't give the audience that hook to make us care quite enough (sure, Kingsley's wife died, but we didn't see it).

2. An Ember in the Ashes
It didn't offer anything to the YA or fantasy genres, and has possibly the blandest cast of young leads in recent memory. Nothing positive really stood out in the film, and certainly nothing that hasn't already been done better dozens of times in the last decade or so.

1. YA Fatigue
I don't know about you guys, but I definitely have a bit of young-adult fatigue right now. The box office shows that there isn't necessarily a large market for the films, and the reviews show that most are not especially strong pieces of writing (starting with the source material).

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