Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Breaking News

One project specifically not mentioned during Roy Horne's recent interview with Last Resort Films president Phil Dolan is an upcoming reboot of Flash Gordon. Apparently it wasn't mentioned due to legal reasons regarding the contract negotiations for the director on the film. James Gunn (Guardians of the Galaxy, Super), not long after being fired from Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 has signed a massive deal to direct the sci-fi/fantasy story for LRF. He has signed an unprecedented pay-or-play contract (meaning he gets paid even if the film never even enters production) worth $50 million for two films ($20 million for the first, $30 million for the second). He will also serve as producer on the films. It apparently took such a large deal to convince the director to step back into the space opera genre following his GOTG firing after off-color joke tweets from several years ago were brought to the public's attention.

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