Saturday, December 29, 2018

Now Showing: Hippies in New York

Hippies in New York
Genre: Comedy/Drama
Director: Greta Gerwig
Writer: Alex Conn
Cast: Lucas Hedges, Timothee Chalamet, Saoirse Ronan, Elisabeth Moss, Johnny Simmons

Plot: In 1974 two young people who live together but they don’t date go to their first punk show together . The girl, Jenny (Saoirse Ronan) tells the boy, Tom (Lucas Hedges), that it is this new revolutionary style of music. Jenny who is bisexual has a crush on the drummer this makes the boy Tom uncomfortable. The drummer, Jake (Timothee Chalamet) goes to Jenny and Tom's apartment and he tells stories to Jenny and Tom about the groupies that they had and all the parties. Jenny watches in fascination and asks if she and Tom could come to one of those wild parties and the drummer says sure. Tom talks to Jenny alone. Tom says he’s disturbed by the misogynistic attitude he talks about women. Jenny says that it’s actually not misogyny it’s sexual freedom it’s empowering. She reminds him that back in the day they held free love signs. Tom leaves her alone and goes to bed. The morning after the show when Tom is waking up he notices Jenny and the drummer Jake having sex.

Tom goes away and leaves and stays with his friend Jonathan (Johnny Simmons) who is a bit older than him and it is revealed they met at an anti Vietnam protest when Jonathan was in college and Tom was in high school and they smoke pot and listen to The Doors and they discuss plans for Tom to get laid.

They go to a bar and meet a woman who is on the older side but is very attractive and Tom who was in high school during the sexual revolution is interested to hear what the sexual revolution was like and the girl named Julia says that the hippie movement is dead and that Richard Nixon stole it and now the environment will die and we’ll have endless war and mass hunger. They make out and have sex passionately to The Doors Light My Fire and he goes back to his house with Julia (Elisabeth Moss). Jenny talks to Tom about this and Jenny says she thinks that this is a Machiavellian move to spite her Tom mockingly says aren’t we about free love.

Jenny is soon having sex with Julia and Tom sees it happen and gets extremely jealous and Tom and Jenny have an argument outside in the hallway about how Tom isn’t even a real hippie as he’s so conservative and how he isn’t a real rebel and he’s just like the other guys that they would make fun of. Jenny then says that Jake makes her feel young again and Tom says that he is basically the same age as them and Jenny says it’s metaphorical.

Jenny invites Julia and Tom to Jake’s show at the CBGB. When they get home Tom and Jake have a discussion on why punk is really revolutionary Tom argues that the psychedelic rock and the hippie music was fighting against the Vietnam War and what is the punk music fighting against and Jake makes the argument that punk music is against the corporate authority as a whole and it is rebelling against the hippies too because the hippies became boring and not rebellious anymore.

In the hallway Tom sincerely asks Jenny why she loves Jake and she says that he’s smart. Tom says that what he was arguing in the dinner table was pure nonsense. The conversation quickly changes into Jenny admitting that she knows Tom has feelings for her and that she will never reciprocate.
Jenny and Tom and Jake and Julia go to a punk rock party and they watch the Watergate hearings on TV. Julia and Jenny decide to have a talk upstairs. Tom says to Jake that Jenny is having sex with Julia and Jake is pretty unphased about it and soon runs off to have sex with some girls from the party. Jake goes into their room and they have a three way and Ton rushes to tell Julia and Jenny and Jenny at first doesn’t believe him but walks into the room and finds Jake having sex with two different girls. Jenny and Jake have an argument and is about to break up with Jake when Jake reveals that he knows Jenny and Julia are having sex.

Jenny hatches a plan and invites everyone to lunch to discuss it. They all have sex with each other. Tom is hesitant about it but eventually agrees. But the rest of them agree. They do it and it fails horribly. Tom vomits and everyone else hates it.

Tom goes along and they go to dinner all of them Tom, Jake, Jonathan, Julia and Jenny and Jenny reveals the sexual deviance she has done where she had sex with Jenny and Jake breaks up with Jenny and Jenny reveals that Tom has always had a crush on her which makes Julia cry and leave Tom. Tom races out of the restaurant to comfort Julia. Julia and Tom have an argument about their relationship and whether there were feelings shared or whether she was just a vessel for his feelings for Jenny. Tom admits she was just a vessel but then he argues back with saying that Julia was having sex with Jenny. Julia says that she wanted different things from both of them.

The next day Tom and Jenny decide it is best for them to stop living together. Tom is packing up his stuff thinking about the memories of him and Jenny. Tom finally finishes packing and hugs Jenny and is about to leave for the train but Jenny asks to come say goodbye to him on the train. They walk to the train and discuss what had just happened and they both say they have learned something from the experience and that they will keep in touch. They finally arrive at the train and Tom goes on the train and hugs Jenny. Flash forward to 1995 Tom is working as a lobbyist now with short hair and a suit. He has a lunch meeting with a new intern who just transferred from Greenpeace. This is Jenny and she describes how she fell out with Jake as she actually started wanting wealth and how they were married until she took the lobbying job and he stayed at Greenpeace and in the 80s he always talked about how good the 70s were l and Tom asks out Jenny and she accepts. Tom explains how he got this lobbying job right after he left and he supported Reagan but he went on board with Clinton after he abandoned the progressives. Jenny and Tom walk out of the restaurant and talk about how their generation was so progressive but when they got into power they’re conservative Tom says that’s just growing up and Jenny looks and him intently knowing she is only doing this for the money.

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