Friday, December 28, 2018

The Roundup with Jeff Stockton (Season 9 Round 7)

Looks like the box office slump is behind the studio with every film in Round 7 making a profit. Here's The Roundup...
3. Mass Effect: The Shadow Broker
The franchise has taken another step forward toward its inevitable conclusion. It may not get the press of other video game franchises like Splinter Cell or Halo, but the Mass Effect films are right up there with them in terms of quality.

2. Kirsten Dunst
It was great to see Dunst in a leading role again after her career has taken a downturn following the Sam Raimi Spider-Man films. She's still consistently done strong work, but in films people didn't go out and see.

1. Leonardo DiCaprio
It's hard to imagine anyone else successfully pulling off such a difficult role like the one DiCaprio played in Calamity. It was a true movie star performance. Joseph Gordon-Levitt (a talented actor in his own right) would have been all wrong for the role.
3. Mass Effect: The Shadow Broker
It was a good film, don't get me wrong. My problem with it featured prominent roles for some of the least interesting characters in the franchise (Ptacek, Vikander, Nyong'o).

2. Spike Jonze
Spike Jonze is a good director, but he was clearly in over his head with a film like Calamity. He was just wrong for the job as his sensibilities do not line up with the subject matter. I can only imagine what a director like Sam Mendes, Martin Scorsese or maybe even Denis Villeneuve could have done with the film.

1. Black Dublin
It's not a bad film, but like some of the critics pointed out, the story does not answer the questions it poses. Which, as any "Lost" viewer can attest to, is quite frustrating.

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