Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Now Showing: Happy Nuke Year

Happy Nuke Year
Genre: Drama/Satire
Director: Oliver Stone
Writer: Jacob Jones
Cast: Shia LaBeouf, Nicolas Cage, Gal Gadot, Charlie Sheen, John Cena, Sharon Stone, Ryan Guzman, Maulik Pancholy

Plot: We open with a scenic view of Washington D.C, sort of akin to The Day After. As we do, we see some of the most iconic monuments around such as the Lincoln Memorial and the White House. Once the montage is finished, we head to what seems to be the beginning of a senate meeting. As we do, we focus on one man specifically: Sami Harris (Shia LaBeouf).

Whilst others are chatting with other members Kenneth (Maulik Pancholy) asks what Sami is reading, the blunt response is the same old song and dance in a ever increasingly burning ring. North Korea is beating its chest, the United States is as well, China’s pleasing no one by pleasing everyone and Russia is watching from upon them and laughing at them. Kenneth agrees, these are scary times. But he suggests that they try not to let it get to them, this is things the world leaders have to deal with. One day, they could find themselves in that similar situation. Sami agrees and puts away his iPhone and prepares for the senate meeting.

In another part of the senate, Sami notices New Mexico senator Alexandria Gabriel (Gal Gadot) sitting all alone, away from the others. Sami considers going forward and formally introducing himself to her seeing as they have never gotten to know each other and they still have three or so minutes before the meeting begins. Kenneth warns him not to, as she is part of the Green party. In fact, she’s the only senator from said party. And it has been noted that the Green Party are no fans of the Democratic Party, heaven knows why.

And then, they hear a joyous claim. That could only mean one thing, Colorado’s Elias Greene (Charlie Sheen); the only senator of the Libertarian Party is here. He rambles on about how he’s ready to defend the constitution with God and liberty on his side. Some republican senators want to tell him off, but Arizona senator Travis Whitley (Nicolas Cage) calmly tells them to cool it. If he wants to act like a bonehead, they should let him be one in peace.

Then the senate majority and minority leaders enter the building, the vice president also arrives. The senate quiets down, and thus another day in the senate officially begins. A montage shows us what happens, it seems like nothing out of the ordinary: Sami gets in a spirited debate with one of the Republicans, Elias suggests marijuana being legal for all fifty states and drivers licenses being outlawed despite it not even being the topic at hand at the moment, Travis wisely and calmly explains his viewpoints on another issue. While they do not always agree, it is shown that Sami, Kenneth and a majority of Democrats do at least respect him for his work ethic, longevity and discipline. And Alexandria Gabriel brings up some good talking points, but goes unnoticed. A few senate members roll their eyes, but Sami and Travis are noticeably listening to her every word.

We cut to the end of the senate meeting, Sami says his goodbyes to Kenneth and some of his democratic senate brethren when he sees Alexandria beginning to pack up and leave. Sami decides to go up to her and compliment her speech, Alexandria ignores her at first. He goes on about how he enjoyed the speech, with Alexandria getting more annoyed. Finally, she turns around and asks him if he noticed the issues she brought up. Sami tries to answer, but Alexandria is quick to see that he didn’t. As if he would. And she storms off much to his confusion.

In a house in Arizona, we see a woman, Rhonda Whitley (Sharon Stone) on the couch; dog resting by her right leg concerned over something she is watching on T.V, it appears that it is a news broadcast saying that the United States has threatened North Korea once more by the President. Travis enters and sees his concerned wife Rhonda, he asks her if something is wrong and she points out what the president is saying. Travis doesn’t seem too surprised as he has seen it quite a lot the last few months, but something about this most recent threat seems different to Rhonda. She doesn’t know what it is but it’s what makes it seem all the more dire.

Travis sits next to his wife and comforts her, saying that they have been through far worse and the two of them have survived through the before. Who is to say they won’t do it again? This calms Rhonda and the two sit together as Rhonda changes the channel to something more soothing, with the dog on the floor. Elias is next to garner attention as he is seen speeding along the highways and listening to the news via his car radio. Apparently China is to have their biggest ever military exercise in the event a war ever breaks out in the Korean peninsula. Elias checks left and right and smirks, no cops allowed. This is the good life of being a Libertarian senator he declares.

The next day, Alexandria is shown still asleep in her bed when her brother Miguel Gabriel (Ryan Guzman) comes to wake her up. Groggy from last night, Alexandria heads to the dining room to make herself some breakfast. Miguel decides to ask her how life as a senator is holding up, Alexandria says that it’s wonderful. She especially loves the part where most of the senate either flat out ignores her, talks back to her without her noticing or even condescends to her. Miguel doesn’t see it as wonderful, but as he finds out: It’s only sarcasm.

Alexandria questions why she even became a senator if no one was even going to listen to her. She asks if she should resume her other dream and go for an art degree, Miguel sincerely tells her that she did a great thing running for New Mexico senator beating the establishment at it’s own game and winning. And since then, she’s made the state and her family proud by representing them. Alexandria smiles a little, Miguel seems to know it. It is the same smile she gets whenever something good happens to her, like the first time she ever got a boyfriend. And then he left her for some hippy girl who-

Alexandria lightly punches her brother on the arm and the two both share a nice laugh.

Travis Whitley is hounded by the press, asking him the same question: As many know, he has not yet confirmed his reelection campaign to the senate, but knowing his age they wonder whether or not he will do so or resign his seat for the next senator whoever it turns out to be next election. Travis refuses to leave a comment saying that there are other needs that should come first. To find shelter, he enters the public library and breathes a sigh of relief that he does not have to deal with the media...or for the matter: The unbearable 120 degree heat.

He then notices that the newspaper section is selling a lot more than usual and politely asks to see what is happening. He takes up a newspaper and slightly raises his eyebrows. It says that North Korea has launched its first ever ICBM with a warhead that could re-enter the atmosphere. It’s serious and something to concern about: But he still holds firm to his belief that everything will work itself out, but admits that he would hate to be the president right now.

In the Oval Office, we see the President (John Cena) calling officials, the president of Japan, China and Russia, demanding an explanation for this. They weren’t planned to pull such a test off for another year or so, and yet here they are today. Someone notes to him that he will be having a meeting with four senators later this week to discuss the North Korea situation. He understands that, and slumps on his chair. He understands the importance of democracy, but the more extreme the tests from North Korea get, the more he wonders if it is even worth it at this point.

Sami is then seen in his official, doing important senator work of his own when the phone rings; Kenneth is on the phone, excited. As it would turn out, Sami has been chosen to represent his party and talk to the president himself about the North Korea problem this week. Sami is honored by the revelation, but proceeds to ask who the other three are…

The second is revealed to be Elias who is shown celebrating by shooting off his gun in the air repeatedly and in the process killing a few birds. Sami looks on confused, he thought Elias got arrested yesterday for speeding. But Kenneth is quick to note that senators tend to be bailed out easily when they break the law. Travis is named as the third senator, Sami has a feeling on what he’s going to tell the president and in his best Travis Whitley impression says that he’s going to tell him to employ every possible military operation necessary should democracy fail. But he honestly does think he’s a good guy overall. And the fourth and final senator? Kenneth isn’t sure he wants to say, but Sami persists him to do so…

Alexandria is shown freaking out in sheer joy, and for good reason. She has been chosen to go to the president's oval office alongside three other senators to talk about North Korea. Alexandria and Miguel go for a hug, but Alexandria realizes that she needs to be professional and goes to get herself ready her duties as senator.

She goes in the bathroom to change, but while she does: She begins to hear voices inside her head say horrible things about herself. Some saying she’s ‘radical’, some accuse her for ‘being defensive’ or ‘overzealous’ with her rhetoric and political stances. She even hears someone calling her ‘A communist of the same brand as Joseph Stalin’. Miguel knocks open the door, ending the parade of bad thoughts telling her that she’s going to be late for press conference and she bolts out of the door and passes by Miguel. He shrugs, assuming he gave her an extra jolt. But when we see Alexandria, we can tell she is starting to crack: Trying to hold back the tears in her eyes.

Elias is then shown speeding around in his car, or at least he’s trying to as traffic is unusually slow at this time. Elias isn’t sure why it is and then the music from the car radio stops, an emergency bulletin has erupted regarding Russia and North Korea. After much inspection, it is now confirmed that Russia has had a hand helping North Korea’s nuclear weapons program, having lent some of the fuel from the nuclear missiles they used in their own program. Elias skeptically asks to himself why they can’t just nuke the damned commies already.

Elias then sees a protest emerging from a little far away and goes to see what is going on. It appears with the growing threat of nuclear war, people are taking the time to warn others of what is to come if they do not turn around. Elias understands the concerns of the people, but he is confident that once the meeting with the president comes to an end; they will be able to come to a solution. One of the protest leaders calls him out, saying that North Korea and Russia are threatening to blow up the world and America is buying it. Elias calls it within their right, stating the 1st and 2nd amendments as sources.

One of the protesters gets up in his face and demands they use the 25th amendment on him for rationalizing such a threat, Elias shoves him back lightly as a response and in turn is shoved back for it. Angered, he punches him square on the jaw and heads off being chased after an angry group of protestors and hightails it out by speeding on his car. He looks at the peaceful protesters who at tip his point have turned into an angry mob, he lifts down his car window and shouts out one last response to them. “First amendment bitch!”

Sami is then shown at a press conference, finishing up a speech by saying that he will continue to fight the rights of every Ohio born citizen and help to contribute to a path to solve the North Korean crisis. He then offers to take some questions from a few people. The first question he is asked is a question on how he plans to address the president with such conflicting political beliefs at the table. He 1 this by saying that he will use smart planning and good thinking, drawing a few chuckles from the crowd. Another question comes up, this time from a journalist who asks him how he feels about the other three senators chosen. He says that he has no personal beef with them and that he is excited to be working with them and come three days from now, they hope to have a nice and constructive meeting with the president on where to go on the crisis.

One last question comes up, also from a journalist. One from CNN. He asks Sami on his thoughts on Russia helping North Korea’s program by lending them some of their own fuel. Sami is stunned, he had not heard about that before. He asks for the question again and it is given to him. He tries to come up with an answer, but gives up and says that there will be no further questions much to the confusion of the audience: He tells them again more bluntly that there are no further questions. But the clamoring from the press is too much and he snaps at them, telling them that if they want to harass anyone on things they don’t know about to read up on those topics themselves and storms off.

Travis finally exits the library, noting that the press has gone away. Relieved, he makes his merry way home only to realize that he doesn’t even know where his car is and prepares the long walk to find someone who may know the whereabouts of said car when he comes across a fellow listening to something via his iPod. He garners his attention and asks what it is he is listening to. As it turns out, he has been listening in on the crisis. The latest report? The United States has responded with the recent reports of Russia helping North Korea behind their back with the largest sanctions they’ve ever given them. Japan, South Korea and shockingly even China have responded with the same act. To no one’s surprise, Russia is not happy about it.

Travis seems slightly unnerved by the announcement but presumes that may have just been the apex of a tense situation and once again assures full confidence that everything is going to be alright. He then asks him where his car is and…


He hears a crashing sound and decides to follow the sound to see if maybe he can find his car that way and hopefully find that it is undamaged, to his distress: He not only finds the car, but finds that it’s been turned upside down and the left car door completely ruined. As he rambles on, surveying the damage. The guy comes out from the other car, it’s Elias and he attempts to shake Travis’s hand. He then sees the damage done to his car and decides to let him have his car, it is a free country after all. Travis asks how he even has a license if he is going to do that to his car, Elias reveals that he doesn’t have one: Finding it completely against what America was built on, liberty.

He then mentions that tomorrow, the four senators are going to get together and start discussing on what to do about North Korea. Elias mentions Russia being upset over sanctions, but let’s be real: He would’ve done far worse and leaves Travis off on that note and hands his car back to him by putting it back upward and backing out of the way. Travis shakes his head in amazement and disgust at what a strange man he really is.

That night, Miguel is seen washing dishes when he can hear someone slamming the front door. He turns around and sees a very upset Alexandria, she storms up to the table and sits down; laying her head down, softly crying. Concerned for her, Miguel comes up to her and asks what is wrong. Alexandria looks at him with big red eyes and starts to sob even louder, as she does, she wails on about how ‘she can’t do it’. As it would turn out, she was rattled quite hard during a press conference of her’s having heard many terrible developments about North Korea, from the ICBM to Russia’s reveal and now the sanctions and having no answer to any of those questions. But that was not what really upset her, it was what one person said to her. She was told off hard by a journalist, who said that she may be ‘out of her depth’ for such a big task given her failure to give a decent answer and rammed at her hard for her lack of political success until her senate win.

She considers just quitting now and going back to live with her mom, but Miguel talks her out of it. She has come too far to give up now, her mom fought a fierce battle in the 60s to save herself and other Cubans in America from being deported, she never gave up. Her father lead a farmer’s strike for fairer trade settlements and conditions in the 80s, he never gave up then. As for her, she finished an entire high school mural all by herself when no one thought it could be done. And she never gave up at any point. What he is saying is that she was given a gift to prove herself in front of the president of the United States and if she can do it there, she can make it just about anywhere. He knows this because he believes in her as a person, a senator and as a brother. Alexandria feels slightly better, but is still quite sore over how poorly her press conference went. It happens to best of them Miguel says.

The telephone rings and Miguel goes to get it and sees who it is. He calls over Alexandria and says that the phone call is for her, she goes up to see who is calling. It’s Kenneth, he acknowledges her seeming grudge on Sami because of previous events 'over the years’ and how she isn’t known as a popular senator. But Sami has had it hard today and he really wants her to make it up to him tomorrow evening when the four of them go together to discuss North Korea. Reservations have already been made so there is no getting out of it. Alexandria mumbles about how she fared no better, but will attempt to make tomorrow worthwhile.

She hangs up and shakes her head, starting to cry again: This time because she has to spend an entire night with Sami. She looks up into the sky and quietly begs her mom and dad to forgive her. Back with Sami, he is shown attempting to get some sleep: But failing miserably to do so. He keeps thinking about what happened at the press conference and his meltdown, being noted as a fiery liberal: These moments are nothing new to the folks. But this time is different, this time it threatens to harm his potential reelection. Enraged, he starts to punch his pillow...but he stops and takes some deep breaths. If nothing else, he’ll hope to see Alexandria again.

The next day, Travis is seen at the grocery store trying to pick things up on his shopping list. He is currently looking for the milk when he notices that there are not as many milk cartons as usual, he calls himself lucky and picks up two. He then goes to look for the cheeses, again, there is not as much as usual. He assumes that this is a busy day and picks up a few different types of cheese, he then sees someone at that same aisle rather upset at him and seemingly in a rush, he demands that Travis lend some food for his family. Travis wholeheartedly apologizes and lends him at least one of the cheese types, any cheese type. He looks at it and throws it across the floor saying that it’s not enough and requests for more.

Travis sternly tells the man that this is not a place where you can just take things without permission, the man tells him off saying that at a time where they may all be dead sooner rather than later, now is not the time to lecture him about how to ask. Travis questions his rationale and the man looks at him funny as if he doesn’t know. As it turns out, Russian troops have invaded South Korea and Japan. A move of anger made by the Russian president. To make matters worse, six cruise missiles have been directed at China and are selected to meet the country any moment by now.

Travis stops everything and holds himself in a concerned position. His cell phone rings and he checks to see who it is, it’s Rhonda who begs her to come home immediately and cancel all his plans. Travis can go home right now, but he cannot cancel any plans: The meeting with the other three senators is tonight and he has to prepare himself for it, Rhonda asks if it can be moved to another day. But no dice, it has to be by tonight. But Rhonda gives her the big scoop, Defcon 2 has gone off for the first time since the Cuban Missile Crisis; she’s seen people evacuating the streets, evacuating Arizona in the hopes to get away from a war. Travis tries desperately to reassure her that everything is alright, but Rhonda is quick to tell him that he’s starting to sound repetitive. Travis gives in from there and tells her that he will be home as soon as possible.

Travis rushes his way to the checkout and to his car, and not a moment too soon as more cars begin to pile up in the highways, beeping and honking at other cars to move faster. As Travis attempts to keep focus on the road, he hears that while Japan managed to successfully fight off Russian troops, their might was too much for South Korea and the government in charge was overthrown, becoming a puppet state akin to one of the Soviet Union. In other news, the Chinese government was able to deflect all but one missile, said missile landing in Shanghai and thankfully not nuclear. But it still has seemed to have killed many people and injured still more, it seems that it may be hopeless for Travis until he sees cars get totaled by another car. Travis turns his head to the right to see who has done such a thing, the car window goes up and reveals Elias asking if Travis needs a lift.

Meanwhile, inside the Oval Office: The president is listening to everything that has happened and is given some words from his advisors. The question seems no longer to be if they can control the situation but how they can and what they can do to end it. The president, having been under a ton of stress as of late because of this story tries to suggest a peaceful compromise by reversing the sanctions ruling in the hopes that Russia can give South Korea back to the old government. But it’s too late, Russia has executed most of the original administration and has already attacked China: An once ally of Russia’s. Japan is in a state of panic and China is planning an attack of their own and is said to be imminent.

The president cryptically reveals that there may be only one thing that may work then, referring to pushing the nuclear button. But he decides not to, realizing that he still has a meeting with the four senators in two days. The president decides to move it up to tomorrow in case things continue to escalate further and also suggests the return of Cold War defense systems and monthly air raid siren tests. The last we see of him is a shot of him with his hands over his head and in a state of distress.

That evening, Alexandria is then seen with her brother Miguel about to head off to Arizona and the finest restaurant they have to offer. Alexandria is shown to be dressed in a short black evening dress with high heels and has done her hair and her makeup, Miguel playfully teases her about thinking this was a date. But it isn’t, with the latest news; Alexandria realizes now more than ever what she needs to do. Miguel wishes her luck and she smiles at him, she starts to head for the car, but before she goes Miguel remembers one more thing to tell her...if she ends up flirting with Sami at some point, tell him that it’s how she ‘gets her way’ Alexandria chuckles slightly and playfully rolling her eyes at him, driving off for the airport.

Travis is then shown getting ready to head off to the restaurant. Sharon comes up to him, concerned and asks him if this is really what he wants to do. He looks at her straight in the eye and tells his wife that he has been a senator for thirty years and an army veteran who fought in the Korean War and the Vietnam War. He has seen the world come to the brink several times before, but it has never reached that point. Now he’s on the verge of retirement, having confirmed that he will not run for the senate again. If this ends up being the last thing he ever does in the senate, then so be it. He tells his wife that he loves her and the two exchange a tender kiss.. .

Elias is the next to be shown as he is in his normal wear and in his car, listening to the latest news in the general Libertarian style. On the front of the North Korea situation, which at this point has boiled into a true international crisis; Britain, France, India and the United States has come to the aid of China with medical care. Meanwhile Syria, Turkey and Belarus have joined in the fight with Russia to attack Japan, thankfully they are not alone as Germany, Ukraine and Israel have come to fight beside Japan.

Chinese missiles have also apparently hit Moscow, St. Petersburg and Siberia, again: But again, nothing is nuclear. The United States president is trying desperately to preach the message of peace, but also makes it clear that should there be any attack from any country against them (especially if it is from North Korea or Russia); they will be hit with a nuclear weapon. As for North Korea? They’re playing the ‘innocent card’ and saying that everyone is so jealous of them that they are fighting to be the one that becomes a victim to their power. As Elias hears this, he thinks solemnly over his entire life and where it has taken him to this point. It turns out, before he became a senator, Elias was once a political radio pundit who eventually ran for the senator role. Originally seen as a long shot, Elias got endorsed by the Koch Brothers who said that they loved his podcast. The three became close friends as the election race rolled on and by the time Elias had won the election, the Koch Brothers had become like family to him. Elias nods slightly and wonders if this is what they would have done if they were in his shoes.

Perhaps the only one actually in the restaurant already, Sami is seen patiently waiting for the other three to arrive, even mentioning this to one of the waiters. The first to arrive is Travis and the two shake hands with each other happily, he takes his seat on the left of Sami as he waits for the other two. Alexandria is the next one to arrive and it is an awkward meeting for the two, Sami commenting her look and Alexandria somewhat blushing, trying her best not to strangle him. Sami offers to let the lady go first, Alexandria coincides and sits next to Tr-

No, actually she sits one chair away from Travis and gives him a dirty glare. Travis shakes his head slightly, it seems he knows the reason why. The last to arrive is Elias and he vigorously shakes Sami’s hand, Sami looks at his outfit and asks if he at least brought a tie. Elias’s joy turns into boredom as he reluctantly reveals a black tie in his pocket, putting it on and marching to the table where the other three sit.

Sami is the first to introduce himself to the other three, with Travis being the second, Elias the third and Alexandria the last. All of which hope for a good time and a productive night out, but Alexandria is extremely specific in her hopes to discuss the North Korea crisis and as she sits down, Elias and Sami softly argue over who wants to tell Alexandria the truth which is broken up when Travis asks Sami what he would like to order. Several minutes pass by, fifteen to be precise and we see Travis is talking about his retirement plans to the others. Elias is trying to figure out how forks and spoons work on fancy foods and how to act in a civilized restaurant such as this to mixed success, and Sami is listening to Travis with ease, entering in quotes on how he’ll miss him in the senate.

A few more minutes pass and now we see Sami and Travis talking about their golf game. Or rather Sami’s lack thereof one. Elias tries to whisper a few flirty sayings to Alexandria to no effect, he pouts. Alexandria looks on anxiously as everyone enjoys themselves. Realizing she can’t hold it in, she interrupts calmly and asks if they will be discussing the topic of how to address North Korea. Suddenly, all is quiet. A brief silence pounded with awkward undertones follows which is broken when Elias tries to make a getaway by calling for the check, which Travis stops him from doing. Elias argues that it’s so she doesn’t find out about what’s really going on, Sami tries to shush him but it’s too late, Alexandria is suspicious and demands to know what is going on. Elias breaks free from Sami’s grasp and says that they already made up their minds before the meeting what to tell the president about North Korea. Sami being for diplomacy, Travis offering a line for peace but letting the hawk go through, Alexandria for all her ‘hippy dippy greenpeace nonsense’ and as for him? It’s either to not get involved unless provoked, and when you nuke em.

Furious that she was never told this and basically got all dressed up for nothing, she storms off preparing to go home. Sami tries to stop her from leaving but the only thing she can do is slap him, shocking the others and a few people inside the restaurant. She calls them all out for agreeing on something that they never even told her, Elias assumes that she thought she knew. She didn’t and now she’s been embarassed, embarassed by three hacks that lie through the skin of their teeth. Look at yourselves, she says. They don’t care about this country or who gets hurt or what satisfies what and why, all they care about is themselves and the bottom line. Elias continues to try and reason with her, but Travis solemnly and calmly tells Elias to stay out of it. He knows why this has happened and for once it looks as if Elias is going to listen…

And then she thrashes Elias on his association with the Koch Brothers, and that sends in him a rage: Forcing Travis to hold him back so he doesn’t wind up killing Alexandria. Travis is then rammed for his numerous years of war-pedaling and how because he served in two wars he thinks he knows how foreign policy works when the truth is all he does is backstab the middle class. And then there’s Sami, who has stayed quiet all this time trying not to get angry, she declares him to be the biggest, most inconsequential, egotistical, pandering, lying scumbag she has ever met. Everything he says and claims to do is false, because she knows that not only does he not care about the real issues at hand (Such as giving jobs back to hard-working Americans, getting money out of politics, ending wars, improving infrastructure, healthcare, social security, the middle class) and can barely name a policy other than vague platitudes and feel-good claims.

Finally, Sami can take no more and it’s his turn to rant. He says he believes in everything she just said, he wants to give Americans jobs, he wants to work on healthcare, giving the middle class some respect for once and would be happy to help end all the wars and get money out of the political umbrella. And he knows many other democrats that have this same settlement, all of which have worked hard to provide for Americans the best possible life they can have. They agree a lot more than Alexandria likes to think they do, but yet she still talks about them like she holds a grudge. It is this reason that she has no friends in the senate, because she thinks that she knows more than everyone else and even to this day continues to hold this grudge on the democratic, the republican and even the libertarian party.

Alexandria hits back hard saying at the top of her lungs that her mother fought Sami’s dad a long time ago. Elias and Sami are confused at first, but after listening to Sami and Alexandria argue; Travis clears his throat and allows her to speak further. As it turns out, her mother was a refugee from Cuba who came to this country in the 50s in the hopes of a better life. Everything about America seemed pleasant at first, there were brightlights, friendly faces everywhere she turned and no matter what happened, she knew she would always have someone by her side. During the height of the cold war, that hope was destroyed when she learned that she was to be deported back to Cuba because of the country’s connections to the Soviet Union. All Cubans who lived in America were to meet this fate, and this was because of one man. Sami’s father: James Harris. Had she not lead the way and rallied a movement over this his bill, her life would have drastically changed for the worst. And then in the 80s, Her father slaved for days making little for his profit and having to live in unethical conditions. He would lead a strike in the hopes of garnering a fairer deal, then still living in Arizona: Travis Whitley stood in his way and it was only because he had a ‘change of heart’ that he got those conditions. And that is why she is in the green party, because she knows that the Democratic and Republican parties never respected her why should she respect them?

Feeling a major hinge of remorse for what had happened before and all but defeated, he tells Alexandria to wait just before she leaves and tells her that if he knew how much her mother meant to her: His father never would have made that bill, in fact: He personally thought that bill was a disastrous idea and that the Democratic party of today would never consider a bill like that. And if this bill had actually passed and done something to hurt her or her family, he would never forgive himself. From the bottom of his heart, he apologizes. Travis also apologizes for standing in the way of his father’s strike, and admits the true reason why he switched. He and Ronda got to meet them close up a week before the vote and they were so moved by how humble and charitable they were that Travis had to give them his support. He commends Alexandria for having such a wonderful family and thanks them for everything they have done for working people everywhere. Elias sits up and for the first time this entire movie, he is shown being humble. He says that no one can ever truly be perfect, he is living proof of it. But it is because of our skeletons that we are all better people, because the skeletons help us realize the good inside of us and let it truly shine. Yes, his friendship with the Koch Brothers can alienate others, but his passion and love for this country will never truly die because of it. And if doing this means they have to throw all their skeletons away just to save the world from a nuclear explosion, then by God that is what they will do.

The four all share a group hug together, having now gotten much closer to each other and being able to learn more about themselves. And as people. However, as wonderful as the moment is. It is ended suddenly when they notice people looking stone-faced at their phones, anxiously leaving, softly crying and telling people how much they love them. Elias asks Sami what was going on, stuttering; Sami quickly checks his phone and heads to the Washington Post to discover…

”Oh my god.” The other three crowd around Sami in concern and in anxiety to see what has happened. Finally, after sometime has passed. He lets the others see the phone while turning his head away in sorrow, and what they find out horrifies them to their core. As it turns out, China; who had seemingly been the innocent party had betrayed the United States and had launched three missiles to South Korea and Japan. Iran, China and Russia had also teamed up to bomb and hit Britain and Germany with ballistic missiles for their part in helping South Korea. Syria would combine their resources alongside the three others help take India, Turkey and Saudi Arabia out of the picture, using chemical and nuclear weapons to render those countries uninhabitable. After seventy-three years of tumultuous peace, it seemed as World War III had finally begun. As the other four look on in shock, they realize what it is they must do.

The next day, after taking the only airplane that was available to Washington D.C, they learn that the president is brinking on firing the nukes himself. But was holding out for them and was still willing to change his mind if there was enough of a plea. In voice-over, you can hear their combined plea to Mr. President. Sami begins by saying before they were all chosen for this assignment, they were nothing more than senators who had different beliefs and political views. Sure they won elections and they had their own personal lives, but this was usually what most people knew them as. Now, they may be the last hope of saving humanity from certain extinction. Travis states that for many years, he has held firm to the belief of using brute military force and strong willed diplomacy. But during these last few days, he has seen everything he was to see going against the idea of nuclear war, his talks about everything being alright and being over with? He was half correct all along, yes it would be over. But nothing would ever be alright again.

Despite what everyone may say Elias says, despite your opinion on government and how it is being run, even they too could come to an agreement that nuclear holocaust would mean the certain extinction of the planet we called Earth, the only home we have. Alexandria finishes this speech by saying that there are people in this world who haven’t gotten the opportunity to see life at its fullest and to learn the things they should learn. Should they dare try to take it away before they even get their chance?

“So please… Please… Please… Please Mr. President, don’t push the button.”

Mr. President listens onward, apparently having been moved by the speech. He is unsure of what to say, but given his reactions: It seems as if he loved the speech and is ready to call for peace…

That is until one of his advisors comes up to him stone-faced and yet somehow frantic. He whispers to Mr. President the latest news and that breaks him into a sweat...he breaks down into soft tears as the four senators watch on, concerned. Sami asks Mr. President if everything is alright. He slowly and surely looks up at Sami and quietly says to him that they got them. He bursts into a rage, saying that North Korea broke their silence and while everyone was fighting launched their entire missile supply to South Korea, Japan, Russia, China and even America. Soon, everyone in the world would cease to exist. He slumps down to his chair, his advisor waiting for further instructions. As he gets his nuclear football and opens it, he softly but sternly tells him to fire every single nuclear weapon in their disposal to only one nation. The cause of all of this: North Korea. He will prepare a speech for the country to listen to. He then turns to the senators, horrified and devastated by the outcome: Feeling remorse for his actions, he quietly tells them that he’s sorry and heads off.

A hinge of silence follows as they realize they have failed in their task and that the world is now all but destined to become a nuclear wasteland. Travis breaks the silence saying that if you had asked him twenty years, thirty years, even as far back as the Cuban Missile Crisis if a nuclear war were to someday happen: He never would have believed it. And now, here they were. The doomsday clock had reached midnight and there was no hope of turning around. He looks sympathetically at Alexandria and realizes how she will never able to see her brother again and thinks about how he will likely never again see his wife and humbly apologizes for her losses. Alexandria is not surprised however, the greed of certain people sometimes outweighs the good of the many.

Sami then asks for everyone’s attention: He realizes tensions had been high ever since they started this journey, but he tells them how proud he is of the four of them for going in there and trying their absolute best to stop the world from blowing itself up to a dark extinction. He praises Elias first for his restraint in a time when nuclear war was more of a possibility than an inevitable reality, then he praises Travis for his diligence and diplomacy, something Travis nods at. And finally, he turns to Alexandria: He admits that for a time, he never knew why it was that she didn’t like him. It didn’t seem like that they would be seen as enemies given how similar they are. But during the last two days, he has gotten to know her as a strong, fierce and resilient woman who had to face many hardships during her life. And it is because of this, he has one thing he has to tell her. He looks at Travis and Elias, who urge him to go ahead. Sami clears his throat and tells Alexandria that he loves her, and always has.

It was a crush he had had for a few years now, but the last two or so days proved his love once and for all to be justified. He gently tales Alexandria’s hand, gets down on one knee and asks during the short few minutes they have left to be his girlfriend. Alexandria excitedly says yes and the two embrace with a tender kiss, Elias quietly declares this to be the last couple in recorded history. All of a sudden, the air raid sirens begin to blare. Everyone looks on confused as to what has happened, the advisor to Mr. President frantically comes in his office to tell them that North Korea has fired their missiles and that they will hit America in only minutes. He warns them to find shelter immediately. Travis declares that they will stay here and die together, overzealous he asks why this is. Travis looks at the other three as they all hold hands, looking at the sky and says “Cause if war is going to kill us, then we’d rather all die as one.”

Travis then joins the other three as they stare at the land around them, hand in hand as the air raid sirens go off. They all look at each other in their eyes and realize that this has all been worth it.

Cut to black.

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