Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Now Showing: Alex + Ada

Alex + Ada
Genre: Sci-Fi/Drama
Director: Ava DuVernay
Writer: H.G. Hansen
Based on the comic series
Cast: Donald Glover, Sofia Boutella, Loretta Devine, Lil Rey Howery, Abraham Attah, Alison Brie, Janina Gavankar, Gillian Jacobs, Khris Davis, Kerry Washington, Elisha Cuthbert, Yaya DeCosta

Plot: Alex (Donald Glover) wakes up in bed by the alarm on his holojecter screen. Alex looks depressed as he slowly gets out of bed. He goes through his normal routine as he uses his Prime Wave, his neurological mind control device that shows a blue dot light up on the side of his head. His service bot prepares his coffee as Alex eats his breakfast and watches the news about the anniversary of Nexaware Corporation Massacre, an event where after discovering A.I. lead to the deaths of twenty-four people. Investigations tried to see if there was foul play from Nexaware, but none was found. Nexaware was forced to shut down after stocks plumed and constant boycotting. This lead way to Prime Inc. to take the place of the top technology corporation of the world. But to this day, people still fear the lingering question could another A.I. attack happen again.

Alex walks to his self-driving car and unlocks it with his Prime Wave. A soap opera plays on the windshield. He gets depressed by it and decides to change the channel. He drives through the city as he sees some humans with their robots as some protest that robots deserve rights too.

Alex sits in his office as he looks deep in thought. He gets a call from Emily (Alison Brie), his friend, on his Prime Wave. He answers as Emily is calling him about if he is still coming to his birthday party. Alex is unsure as he doesn’t want to be around too many people. She reassures him that Teddy (Lil Rey Howery) is gonna go and Isabel is gonna try. Emily can feel Alex’s sorrow and asks how he is feeling lately. Alex is silent for the moment till Teddy shows up making a joke if Alex is streaming porn during work. Emily wonders if he is still there and Alex just tells her Jacob walked in. Alex tells her he has to go and Emily tells him not to be late. Teddy can’t understand how they can handle having those things in their heads and then invites him for drinks. He also tells him the new girl from Procurement is going too. Alex isn’t up to it though as he isn’t ready to get out there. Teddy tells Alex he needs to get over Becca (Yaya DeCosta) since it’s been six months since she left him at the altar. Alex then corrects him that it’s been seven months depressingly.

Later, Alex gets home to an empty house. He watches a movie and then goes to bed. He notices the other side of the bed and just goes to bed sad.

Next day, Alex goes through the hologram birthday cards till he gets a call from Grandma (Loretta Devine). He puts the call on the holojecter. Grandma says happy birthday and then asks how he is doing. He makes a joke he’s a year older. Grandma can’t believe how fast time has gone by and then asks if he really is sure he doesn’t want a present like maybe even a tie. Alex makes a joke about how the tie would probably cost more than his house and how he is too old for presents. Grandma jokes back about how it feels to be too old since she has no idea. Grandma then goes on about how he needs to loosen up and live his life. She even tells him he should get some even which makes Alex a little uncomfortable. Grandma runs out of tea and asks Daniel (Khris Davis), her Tanaka X5, a new human-like droid, for some. They share a moment which Alex admires for a moment then fades quickly. He asks how is having a droid like Daniel around the house if the million dollars was worth it. Grandma points out it was point eight million and how it still surprises her how good a lover an android could be. Alex asks her to stop to which she tells him to relax. She likes how kind and attentive he is along with how he says all the right things. Alex is still unsure since he is running on Prime Intelligence, which is scary advanced. Grandma counters his comment with how he lets Prime Wave in his brain. Grandma sees Alex’s concern and reassures him Daniel hasn’t tried to kill her then makes a quick joke about unless it was by orgasms. Alex hugs and then slides breakfast away. Alex then continues on how Daniel isn’t real though but Grandma isn’t concerned by this. She asks him to stop since she gets enough from his parent’s. She makes a point how her age limits things of love and how it’s nice to have something that’s not going anywhere. She then says he should get one. Alex is set back and doesn’t like the idea. He can’t afford one and he doesn’t want a girlfriend right now.

Alex heads over to Emily’s and gets surprised by a group of people. He thanks Emily, since he knows it was all her. She tells him to relax and enjoy the party. A montage of Alex talking to some people at the party till he ends up being alone, avoiding people. He looks at the couple and how happy they are which saddens him. He then gets pumped into as he turns to see its Isabel (Gillian Jacobs). She says hey as she has just gotten there. He thanks her for coming and she tells him she would never miss his birthday. They talk about how it’s been too long since they last talked. She tells him how his and Becca’s break up made her think about what she wants. She awkwardly asks how Becca is doing since they tried to stay friends. Alex expresses sadness as he hasn’t from her since the wedding. Isabel smiles and tells him if he ever needs to talk to anyone… She gets interrupted by Teddy, who’s drunk, drunkenly makes a metaphor how he knows what being alone is like and how he needs to keep moving forward. Alex tells Teddy he needs to head up and offers to take Teddy home as well. Tenji (Janina Gavankar) and Emily try to convince him to stay and call Teddy a cab but Alex makes an excuse he needs to get up early for work. He leaves with a drunken Teddy as Isabel looks on.

Alex gets home and finds a huge box sitting in the middle of his living room. He walks up to it and sees a note from Grandma on it. It says “I couldn’t resist, Happy Birthday!” “Dammit, Grandma” Alex mutters. Alex opens the box slowly to find a Tanaka X5 named Ada inside. Alex looks at her in amazement. He sees on one of the doors how to activate her by pinching her right ear lobe. Ada wakes up and robot-like greets Alex. She begins asking if he is Alex and other basic questions. She asks how he’d like to be called and what name does he want to give her. Alex just sticks to Ada. Ada then goes down a guideline about she’ll be glad to do anything for him, how she can’t harm any form of life and she’ll defend him if he is in danger. She shows the T logo on her wrist which shows she is an android and how it must never be covered or removed. Alex gets freaked out by this and tells her he needs to do something. She lets him know she’ll stay where she’s at till he comes back.

Alex goes to the kitchen and calls Grandma on Prime Wave. Grandma answers with glee and asks what he thinks of Ada. He asks what was she thinking to which she says “Thank you is the normal response when someone gives one a gift, you know?” Alex is upset how she gave him an android when he said no. He tells her to send Ada back and Grandma tells him to give her a chance. She tells him he can feed her cat food as long as she gets energy and if he gives her some time, he might like her. He asks if she told anyone else about Ada but only Daniel, who says he thinks it’s a wonderful idea. Alex just tells her to keep between them all and Grandma tries to convince him again to give her a chance.

Alex walks back into the living room as Ada is right where he left her. Alex tries to talk to Ada about how he doesn’t know what to do with her, she basically tells him he can do anything but that not what he meant. He tries to tell her his grandmother gave him her as a misguided notion that this would have made him happy like her. Ada apologizes but Alex tells her he doesn’t need her to. He needs to go to bed and Ada asks if he’d like her to join him but Alex refuses. Ada asks then what sleep accommodations he prefers for her. He asks how she sleeps to which she tells him she’ll sleep however he’d like and then how she is a great cuddle buddy. Alex makes a face and then sets up a bed for her on the couch. She thanks him and then he just goes straight to bed.

Alex hears his name and he manically yells not to hurt him. But sees it was coming from the holojecter. He wakes up Ada who appears to be sleeping. She wakes up and asks how he slept. He tells her he needs to go to work. Ada tells him that he can contact her anytime he needs anything and that he can check her vitals. Alex tells her to not go anywhere and she agrees. He shuts the door and Ada tells him to have a great day.

Alex checks on Ada’s profile at work till Teddy walks into bragging about closing an account. He congratulates him and then offers to take him out to lunch. He closes the screen hoping Teddy didn’t notice what he was looking at.

Teddy and Alex are eating peacefully till Teddy tells him he was looking at a cute girl earlier. Alex is defensive but Teddy thinks he was looking at a dating profile. Alex avoids this by asking what Teddy will do with the money he’s earned and jokes how he should buy a Tanaka X5. Teddy though doesn’t like the idea as he already had REAL women throw themselves at him. He then ends it with how creepy it is to own one of those. Teddy notices he’s late for a meeting and has to leave. He thanks Alex for the lunch and leaves Alex almost feeling bad about what he has at home. Alex gets a message on his Prime from Emily about how she is gonna drop off his present late. Alex then calls Tanaka Android Representative to schedule a return.

Alex gets home and gets a little scared to see Ada standing right in front of the door. Ada welcomes him and Alex asks if she has been there all day. Ada tries to respond but she begins to get really weak. He asks what’s wrong and Ada lets him know she needs to eat.

Alex gives her strawberries and she tells him her power levels are high enough. He asks what she likes for dinner but she is good with anything. He then goes to make spaghetti till a door bell is rung. His Prime Wave tells him there are two visitors at the door.

Alex opens the door to see Tanaka Delivery at the door. One person and a robot are at the door. The man asks basic questions to ask for returns. He then asks Alex to sign the paperwork but Alex asks what will happen to Ada. He basically tells him they’ll reset her and then have empty till they use her again. Alex looks conflicted.

The delivery service thanks Alex for his time and then closes the door as Ada is seen standing in his living room. Alex asks himself what is he doing and Ada tells him he’s leaning against a door. Alex looks almost relaxed till the door bell rings again, he opens it thinking it’s the delivery service again but sees it’s Emily. Emily brought him his present and some of the cake. Her dog is with her as he welcomes Alex. He tries to make Emily go away till the dog runs into the house. The dog runs up to Ada, who welcomes the dog. Emily walks in and welcomes Ada till Ada gives away she is an android which makes Emily confused and then asks Alex with panic in her voice.

Alex sits next Ada as Emily, Tenji, Teddy, and Isabel sit across from them. They ask her questions and observe her. Teddy asks if Alex is worried she’d go crazy on him. Alex is completely worried about that and Tenji goes on about how the reason the massacre happened cause people had no idea what they were doing. Ada can’t just become sentient on her own. Teddy isn’t so sure since Tenji used to work with killer bots in the military. Tenji counters that if it wasn’t for a droid she would have lost more than her leg. Isabel asks what Ada thinks of the Nexaware massacre and Ada replies it was a very sad day and she has no real valid opinion of it. Isabel asks why he kept her and Alex replies it felt like putting down a puppy. They all tell him it’s like having a baby and girlfriend all in one. But Alex tells them she’s not his girlfriend. Tenji thinks Ada is interesting enough to get to know. Emily then implies Ada is hot and everyone agrees.

Next day, Alex and Ada eat breakfast as the news reports a sentient droid attending music concert till she started bleeding purple that everyone panicked and destroyed the bot. The bot didn’t fight back but a dozen people were injured by the whole event as humans attacked each other not knowing who was real or not. Authorities found the droid’s logo was removed; there was no registered owner, and no evidence of who helped the droid. Alex mutes the news and looks to see if this bugged Ada, which it doesn’t as she continues to eat her breakfast. Alex tries to spend the day with Ada doing things like watch a movie or play video games and finds Ada to be rather dull as she just wants to do what Alex wants. Alex calls Tanaka customer service and asks if there was a way for Ada to a little more human-like but that would go against all regulations outlawing such function. Alex looks up the whole robots have rights riots or other news about sentient droids. He sees a logo on the droid from the news. Ada checks on Alex before she goes to her scheduled sleep time. Alex asks if Ada likes to dance to which Ada tells him she never has and asks if he’d like her to learn. Alex tells her never mind and says good night.

Alex signs into the virtual net and looks for a forum for those who want to make their droids sentient. The AI of the forum asks what he seeks and he answers honestly. The AI tells him he has to reveal himself inside and must never share this location. He walks into the forum and sees someone people and some bots. He goes to the bar to see three people, an old man, a young boy named Franklin (Abraham Attah), and a woman talking about the droids that destroyed earlier. Alex walks up to them and strikes up a conversation about how he wants to know more about making a droid sentient. The old man and the Franklin take him to a private chat room. Alex asks basic questions which leads to the Franklin revealing he is an X5. They tell him how Prime Intelligence is actually what makes AI. But the Prime Inc has used their power to make sure no one knows this. They then ask if he wants to wake Ada up to be more serviceable or to actually make a connection. Alex isn’t sure which makes them tell him he has to be sure before they do anything. Once she woken up, he must be okay with the results. Franklin tries to make him to make sure this is what he wants. Then Franklin gives him his contact info and tells Alex to contact him when he has made a decision. Franklin gives Alex his price and Alex almost doesn’t believe it. Franklin tells everyone needs to eat.

Alex sits next to Ada as she wakes up and asks what is bothering him. Alex tries to mull over this choice with her but she still can’t think for herself. This drives Alex crazy till he finally makes a choice and calls Franklin.

Alex drives Ada to a hotel that’s barely noticeable. They wait watching the sunset, Alex says it’s beautiful and Ada agrees only because Alex thought so. Alex now is certain about his choice.

They walk into a hotel room and Franklin is seen waiting for them. He asks if they were followed and if Ada is at full power. Alex confirms and hands over Franklin’s price. Four cheese steaks from Philly with Cheezy Wheezy sauce. Franklin smiles and takes his fee. He tells Alex to tell Ada to follow his commands. Ada lies down on the bed as Franklin tells Alex he’ll untether and delete her from the Tanaka DB, unlocking her operating system. Install a wall in her mainframe; he wants to make sure he voids all the stuff to waive her warranty. Franklin then opens a patch in her head and connects her to himself. He starts the process as he eats his sandwiches.

Hours pass, Alex wakes up to Franklin finishing it. He tells him they have to reboot her and it’ll be set. Alex reassures Ada as he pinches her ear lobe. Ada suddenly screams bloody murder as she grabs her head and starts crushing into things. Alex asks what’s happening and Franklin tells him she’s feeling emotions for the first time. Franklin warns Alex to gain control over her before someone comes over. Alex grabs a hold of her till she shoves him away. She then leans on a wall laughing till she curls into a ball on the floor. The hotel manager knocks on the door. Franklin asks if Alex is a smooth talker, which Alex says he isn’t. Franklin tells him he has to be or else they all will be in trouble. Franklin comforts Ada as Alex opens the door and talks to the hotel manager as he got a noise complaint. Alex tells him he had the TV too loud and the banging on the walls was him tripping and falling down trying to turn the TV off. The hotel manager believes him and then warns him to keep it down.

Alex closes the door and asks Franklin how Ada is. Franklin doesn’t know as Ada has gone completely silent. Franklin tries to get Ada to talk but she remains silent. Franklin says she has closed herself in what he calls “post-hack isolation”. Franklin tells him she’s processing her past experiences and how much of a shock all this is to her as she thinks she was living a decent life before. Alex notices Franklin is holding back on something. Franklin tells him he’s seen it all before… Getting a robot, getting attached, Alex couldn’t handle hosting a bot so he made her human, and how she’ll never be human even if he wants so. Alex reassures him and then asks if that’s how Franklin felt why he helped. Franklin tells him he didn’t do it for him but for Ada. Her closing herself off is the first genuine thing she has done and she is in a vulnerable place. Franklin is afraid Alex will throw her away and not respect her freedom. Alex is confused as he asks if she will leave him. Franklin tells him that was the risk he should have thought of, but sometimes the feeling of familiar is hard to let go of.

Franklin goes to get items out of a vending machine but they should leave when he gets back. Franklin leaves and Alex looks at Ada. He sits next to her and tries to wake her up. Ada is unresponsive. Alex conflicted Prime Waves her and the call connects. He calls her name but no response. He then tells her he can guess this may hard for her but he wants her to know he is here for her. Ada responds with asking why. Alex almost feeling guilty tells her that Prime was blocking her and it felt wrong to him not to make it right. He tells her he doesn’t know what she’s going through or if she remembers anything. He just hopes she trusts him. She tells him she remembers everything. But now, she is experiencing everything and is feeling too much. She’s scared and she’s even more scared now she can experience fear. Shutting out is easy for her now but she understands his choice. Alex tells her about how he knows what she means because he’s been feeling the same because he has been dealing with something he couldn’t move on from. Ada asks if it is still living blocking yourself off. Alex responses that it is and it isn’t. Alex then goes to find Franklin but Ada tells him she rather has him stay. They talk about how the ability of choice is her main fear as she doesn’t know what she is. Alex tells her humans feel the same most of the time. He tells her it’s complicated but they will go through it together. They’ll do whatever she’d like to help her out with her identity. She’d like that and begins to speak. Alex is taken back by the sweet sound of her voice. She asks how did Alex get through his pain and he tells to breath deep and take one step at a time. Ada disconnects and opens her eyes.

She gets up as she is having a little trouble with that and Alex helps. They greet each other for the first time and Franklin walks in. Franklin hands her some candy bars to restore her power. Ada enjoys the candy for it is the first time can decide on taste. Franklin then gives her choice. Ada is confused and Franklin explains she has to choose if she wants to come with him or stay with Alex. Ada looks at Alex like it’s the first time they met and Ada chooses to go with Alex. Franklin is okay with her choice and tells her to remain under the radar and not to gather attention to herself. He says it was pleasure to meet her and then tells Alex that if there’s anything they need, to contact him on the forum and then wishes them good luck.

Alex gives Ada his coat and tells her they need to get going. Ada sees the bump from her shoving him and asks if he is ok. Ada touches his face as Alex tells her he is okay. They share a moment and get out of the room. They see the sun raising and Ada tells him how beautiful it is. Alex looks back Ada who smiles back at him.

Ada wakes up the next day. She walks to the dining room to see many types of food on the table. Alex walks in smiling welcoming her. Ada asks what the food is for and Alex wanted to help her to discover what she likes. Isabel tries to call Alex on Prime Wave but Alex declines. They talk about if she remembers what her life was before last night. Ada tells him she remembers living in the house but this is the first time being aware. It feels like she was living someone else’s life. Ada asks if he’d like to watch the news like normal but Alex thinks today would be a nice break. Otto, the service bot, zooms in and hands Ada another plate of food. Alex tells Otto Ada is part of the household and to do anything for her. Ada tries the eggs Benedict and Alex asks what it tastes like. She makes a joke it tastes like eggs. They share a laugh. Ada eats every plate and then tries the orange which she hates. She hates the texture of it. Alex smiles which Ada asks why he is smiling. He just jokes he was worried she’d like everything.

Alex asks what she likes to do next. Ada suggests a walk but Alex thinks it’s better to stay inside. Ada is kind of down by this and Alex reassures her he just wants to follow Franklin’s orders as he doesn’t want to see Ada torn apart. Ada understands then has an idea what to do indoors. She watches water boil, then sniffs different parts of the house, and finally, feels the blankets she was lying on. Ada then sniffs Alex’s gym socks to which she finds awful. They then play a video game to which Ada wins. Alex smiles as he is happy to lose to her finally. They play again as Grandma then calls Alex during the match. Ada tells him he should answer. Alex asks if she’d mind but she doesn’t. Alex goes into a different room and answers the call on holojecter.

Grandma makes a joke how it’s good to see Alex is okay. He tells her has been busy and Grandma makes a statement she knows why since she didn’t see a return of funds for Ada. She wants to see her but Alex makes excuses why she shouldn’t. She then makes an ultimatum that if he brings her for dinner, she’ll forgive him. Alex tells her he’ll think about it. Grandma is okay with that unless it’s on Wednesdays. Alex begins to ask what’s on Wednesdays but then sees Grandma’s face as Daniel walks into frame and takes a guess.

Ada looks at the book and almost runs into Alex. They share a close moment which they slowly back off. “That tickles” Alex says. Ada wonders what he means. He touched her and felt a tickling sensation. Ada asks to see what he means and feels the same tickle. He tells her he has to go to bed. She asks why and Alex tells her she has already done so much for her first day that it may be a good idea she goes to sleep too. She asks why does Alex go to work and he explains he has a lot of responsibilities. Ada would like to know how that feels. Alex goes to bed and checks his messages and finds a lot of stuff from Isabel. He ignores it and goes to bed.

Ada sits in the living room and then opens the blinds behind her to watch outside as time goes by. She closes the blind as Alex walks downstairs. They eat breakfast and then Alex heads to work. He tells Ada to remember to keep fueling herself. Before Alex leaves, Ada asks what his favorite color is. Alex says blue and she asks why to which he has no real reason. Ada is okay with that and wishes him a good day.

Ada asks Otto where the gardening tools and then goes to the backyard. Ada soaks in the sun and then looks at a beautiful flower. She begins to garden but she is interrupted by the next door neighbor who tries to start small talk. But Ada, remaining her cover, acts likes a normal X5 which freaks her out.

Alex goes to the break room where Teddy greets him. He jokes how it’s nice to Alex since he never takes a day off. They talk about their differences between androids where Teddy is almost biased to them as Alex doesn’t think they’re so bad. Teddy makes it known he doesn’t like androids and even though Alex looks happy, he should be careful too.

Alex gets home as his next door neighbor guilt trips him not warning the neighborhood about his X5. Alex ignores her false panic just cause of the rock concert incident makes her worried.

Alex checks around to house to find Ada curls up in the bathroom. She feels bad by how the neighbor reacted to her even though she acted like a normal android. Alex tells her to ignore that and how people live in fear blindly because it’s easier than living in calm. Ada doesn’t get it and Alex just explains that people live in fear of what they don’t understand. Alex gets an idea and brings Ada to the living to get her scanned into the Virtual Net.

They use it to go to virtual images of historic places and then take her shopping. Alex watches as Ada shows pure happiness.

Ada waits for her package to arrive. Alex walks down dressed up for visiting his Grandma. He asks if Ada is ready and sees Ada dressed in a beautiful dress. Alex is at a loss of words. He regains himself and then goes over the plan when they get there. Ada agrees to it all. They go to the car only for some neighbor to see them and he tries to talk to Alex about how Ada is in bed. Alex avoids him by how he doesn’t feel comfortable with how he wants to know how the sexual action is.

Alex, Ada, Daniel and Grandma are enjoying their dinner date. They joke around till Ada sees how content Daniel is with everything with not a care in the world. Ada is in the living room by herself. She looks at a photo of Alex as a child. Grandma notices and questions her. Ada tries to play off she’s still a droid but she doesn’t buy it since Daniel never looked at the photos before. Ada warns Alex who explains to Grandma how he unlocked Ada. She tells him that gutsy more so since the government announced their new law. Ada and Alex have no idea what that means. Grandma plays a video of the government announcing their plans to send undercover agents to discover any secret sentient beings and how anyone who has done so, will be locked up with maximum punishment. The operation is called Operation Avalanche.

Ada and Alex are worried as Ada thinks Grandma will report Alex. She is offended as she wouldn’t report her own flesh and blood. They continue to talk about how they will be cautious. Daniel walks in after finishing their dishes. Ada then talks to Grandma about how she should wake up Daniel. Grandma gives her reasons why she won’t and then Alex tells Ada not every thought should be said. They excuse themselves and then head out.

They head to the forum on the Virtual Net as everyone is in panic. Alex holds Ada’s hand but let it go as soon as uncertainty fills the room. They meet up with Franklin who is with two droids, Sue (Elisha Cuthbert) and Zelda (Kerry Washington). Zelda is with a normal droid who talks about how unfair this whole thing is. Zelda tries to reassure them that this won’t solve anything. Franklin then takes Ada, Sue, Zelda, and Zelda’s droid to a private room. Ada asks how they interact with their human partner. They tell her their experience as they say the whole thing doesn’t always work. Ada asks how she could…

Ada learns and reads many books on love and love making as she does many chores. She then listening to a book on what is love as they watch the news about Operation Avalanche. Alex and Ada watch a romantic comedy as Ada doesn’t look interested. Alex asks if she wants to watch something else. Ada tells him she’s watching while reading something. Alex wonders what that is since she has been doing that for awhile. Alex gets a call from Isabel and excuses himself to answer it.

He picks up the call to find Isabel just installed Prime Wave into her and wanted to have Alex’s help with it. Alex tells her he is busy and has to go. Isabel is disappointed.

Ada adds the movie they’re watching to her romance collection. Alex notices Ada’s interest with romance. Ada just tells him she has an interest with dating and having an interest with someone works. Alex is kind of uncomfortable as Ada tells him she wants to share the bed tonight since she’s never been on one. Alex says she’s welcome to but only remembers she asked the first night they met. Ada is amazed he remembered that. Alex says he could never forget it till Ada leans in to kiss him. They share a passionate kiss for awhile. Ada tells him she learned how to kiss as has Alex has as well. Alex gets scared as he doesn’t think the whole thing is a good idea. Ada knows it’s because he doesn’t believe her feelings are real. Alex tries to make excuses that maybe she needs to experience life more before she knows what she wants but Ada tries to tell him she knows what she wants. Alex continues to tell her it’s not because she’s an android but Ada doesn’t believe him. Alex tries to say that’s not it but Ada is convinced Alex can’t accept love. Alex tells her he never thought to be in love with her and she responds with the same statement. Alex is taken back by this as he has nothing to say. He tells her they can talk in the morning and if he’d like to set the couch for her. She tells him there’s no point since she never slept. Alex retreats to his room as Ada is left crying on the couch.

Ada packs herself a bag and heads out of the house, a note is left for Alex as the living room is left bare.

Alex wakes up to see Ada gone and the note left for him. The notes state how she is grateful to him for everything he has done for her and she will always remember him. But she needs more than four walls and a guardian. She wants to feel, to hurt and to love. She made a lunch for him and hopes he can find the closure he needs. Alex sits alone in the living room with a grim expression.

Ada is standing next to the Washington Monument as she declines a call from Alex. Zelda and Sue greet her to help her out. They tell her how relationships are hard and how to move on till undercover agents from Operation Avalanche stop them. They ask to see if they are androids but this causes a scene when they see Sue has her symbol still. Ada tries to intervene but this only causes a scene where Zelda tells her to run. Ada runs far till her power levels start to run out. She runs to a certain neighborhood.

Alex is seen talking to Franklin as he tries to get him to tell him where Ada is. Franklin reminds him that he signed up for this. Alex tries to explain that this was all a misunderstandment. But Franklin knows why Ada left. Alex couldn’t accept that Ada actual loved Alex. This is why he warned him. Alex looks at Franklin in defense but submits to the truth. Alex doesn’t believe he deserves to be loved. He forced someone into life and wanted a friend without thinking that Ada might grow affection. Alex still has concern though but Franklin counter with does Alex cared about Ada or does he want to feel like a good person if he corrects it.

Ada is seen weakly walking down a street with no money or food to continue on as she looks on to find someone she knows.

Alex paces in his home hearing how someone has been locked up for making her old droid sentient even though the bot didn’t move. Alex hears the doorbell only to see it’s Becca at the door.

Emily is baking a cake for her blog till she hears the doorbell and wonders who that is. She answers to see Ada lying on their porch, passed out.

Becca and Alex have a moment to bury their past as Alex denies Becca back into his life. He then gets a call from Emily. Alex hears it and quickly heads out.

Tenji and Emily attend to Ada trying to restore her energy. Not knowing what to do, Emily calls Alex but Ada refuses. This startles them as they ask themselves if she may be sentient to which Ada responds maybe she is.

Ada explains to Tenji and Emily what happened with Alex and they try to talk to her but her mind is made up. They offer help and whatever she needs as Ada used Emily’s baking blog to track them down. Tenji takes the dog out for a walk.

Alex arrives in a hurry to find Tenji out on the porch waiting for him. Tenji and Alex talk about how Alex can’t trust anything. Tenji then tells how she lost her leg and how a droid saved which leads to telling Alex how he needs to trust in the uncertain once and awhile.

Ada and Alex talk and Alex apologizes because he was too afraid to trust someone not some android. Ada tells him that is a part that may get in the way but Alex reassures her that isn’t the case he is ready to let someone in. They hug and Alex thanks Emily for her help and how she and Tenji need to keep this a secret. They both agree since they don’t wanna see Alex go to jail and Ada destroyed.

Ada and Alex get home as Ada offers to sleep on the couch but Alex tells her he wants to share the bed. They get to the bedroom and Alex looks at Ada for the first time with love. They share tender love making scene in flashes.

They lie in bed together as Ada wants to go again but Alex needs sleep. Ada bugs him to the point he makes a joke to shut her off and then they get into a pillow fight. Later, Ada asks what sleep is like for him and Alex describes it in the best detail to the point Ada relates. They then sleep together for the first time.

Teddy is seen watching the news as he sees the incident where some suspect androids where one looks like Ada which alarms him.

Ada wakes up by a dream and Alex tells her to tell him what it was. Ada tells him she was on a lifeboat in the middle of the ocean. Alex tells her she has nothing to worry about. They talk about how they need to make their relationship typical human and android.

Ada is in the forum as Zelda invited her to talk about the incident at the Washington monument. She tells Ada that Sue is missing and this whole thing is gain traction and to be on the lookout.

Alex and Ada watch the footage and Alex reassures her that she could be anyone. No one will assume it’s her. Emily invites them to Tenji’s limb replacement party. Alex is hesitating. Ada tells him they should go and how she can play the part in front of everyone.

Everyone is looking at Tenji’s new leg as it looks like it never was missing. Emily and Ada talk as they talk about how Emily is happy Alex is happy as is Ada. Teddy stares at Ada and Alex asks what his problem is. Teddy says it’s nothing that Ada looks different. Alex tells him he’s paranoid. Isabel now looks at Alex who is looking at Ada and then causes a scene. She lectures Alex how he never called her back and how his time is spent on Ada. She then makes a scene how he rather spend time on someone who is fake than someone who’s been his friend for years. Isabel then brings everyone into the argument on how everyone is okay bringing someone who isn’t alive to around them. Tenji tells Isabel she should calm down and Isabel begins to break into tears. Teddy offers her a ride home and they walk out.

Alex is home as he tells Ada not to take what Isabel said to heart. Alex gets a call and it’s Grandma who checks on him how he is holding up. Alex tells her it isn’t easy and Grandma goes on how people need to think outside the box and relive any fear they have.

Alex gets ready for work the next day as Ada wishes him luck. She tells Otto to get her some tea. After awhile, Otto never returns. Ada walks into the kitchen to see Otto attacked. Ada expresses concern till she hears Teddy behind her comment how it’s funny an android is concerned about a robot.

Alex is seen trying to get a hold of Ada and after awhile, he asks some co-workers where Teddy is. No one knows and Alex suddenly needs to get home.

Ada tries to regain herself and convince Teddy she isn’t sentient but Teddy doesn’t buy it. She tells her that Alex may have put himself into a dream where she is a good robot but he knows she will murder everyone the first chance she gets. He then gets mad as she won’t respond to him to the point he violently slaps her. Purple blood drips from her nose; Teddy continues to mock her as he tells her she will never be real no matter how much she acts like it or if Alex wishes for it. “YOU’RE NOT REAL” echo in Ada’s head and then she goes to choke Teddy. She tightens her hands as Teddy begins to fade but she sees what she is doing and stops. She lets go and looks at her hand guilty. Alex bursts into the house seeing the aftermath and comforts Ada. He sees her bleeding nose and Teddy tries to apologize which makes Alex punch Teddy in the face hard. He asks why and Teddy replies how his parents died during the P-011 Massacre. If Ada was sentient he had to make sure. Alex tells him to leave but Teddy looks Alex in the face tells him she could have killed him, but she didn’t. She chose not to kill him. Alex then gets a call from Daniel.

Alex goes to his Grandma’s. Daniel greets them tells Alex to head up, Grandma talks about how her while life she wished to make Daniel see her how she was but she was afraid. She also goes on to say how Alex should not be afraid of love or how people try to interrupt it. She then tells Ada she should never think less of herself and if she loves Alex, she’ll do what is best for not just him but both of them.

Franklin takes Daniel in so he could be woken up. Franklin then briefly talks to Ada about how things are. Ada tells him things are fine but Franklin has a feeling the worse is about to come.

Sue is seen in a box as she is forced to connect to the Virtual Net. Tears rush down her face, she connects herself.

News of protests for anti-robot and robot rights begins to get out of hand. Robots getting destroyed just out of fear and robot owners begin to protest the violence is not the answer. Ada and Alex arrive in the forum as Zelda’s robot protest that change should happen. That someone should address how the political climate should hear their call. This gets interrupted by Sue arriving. Ada is happy till Sue tells everyone she is sorry but then count downs to an alarm sending everyone out of the forum.
Ada gets noticed that she is sentient to the FBI, Alex and Ada attempt to flee the country. When they are intercepted by the FBI, Ada gets shot by the police and Alex is arrested. He is convicted and sentenced to 25 years in prison, but Ada is not found to be sentient. Everyone, Teddy, Emily, Tenji and even the neighbor make testimonies that Ada showed no signs of AI.

During his time in prison, Isabel reveals to Alex that she was the one who called the cops. She was jealous of Ada and how she waited for years for him to be available but only for him to find an android. She thought the way Teddy reacted when he drove her home was more than enough. Alex gets up without saying a word and tells her good bye forever. Isabel is left crying by her mistake. As the years pass by, rights are granted to sentient robots. On Alex's release, Ada is returned to him. Zelda and Franklin tell him to switch out his Prime Wave with the latest update as they fix Ada up. Alex goes to get the next best tech for his prime wave as he also gets told he could get transferred into an android. Alex arrives and sees Ada built back up but her programming is on default. Zelda and Franklin try to comfort Alex but he wants to look to see if Ada is still in there. Alex discovers she locked her consciousness to protect him in her dream she told him earlier. He restores her freedom and is re-united with her. For the first time they kiss. Cut to black.

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