Saturday, December 1, 2018

The Roundup with Jeff Stockton (Season 9 Round 3)

The streak of profitable films finally came to an end this round - way to jinx it, Chad Taylor. Anyways, here's The Roundup...
3. Saoirse Ronan
I have been skeptical of Ronan's ability as a leading actress for some time now. While she was great in Joe Wright's Hanna, I haven't been impressed by much else she's done since. I thought Ladybird was a very average film that only garnered the acclaim it did due to social agendas. All that said, I was impressed by her work in Scion 2. She takes the character Mckenna Grace originated in the first film and completely makes it her own.

2. Jennifer Lawrence
Burial Rites easily would have floundered without a star of Jennifer Lawrence's ability in the lead role. A film about an Icelandic woman destined to be executed doesn't hold a lot of story appeal, so it took Lawrence's star power to sell the film. It doesn't hurt that she's easy on the eyes either....

1. The World of Scion 2
The amount of world-building on display in Scion 2 is astounding. The first film clearly only scratched the surface on the detailed world Chad Taylor and John Malone have created with their writing.
3. Claire Foy
Another actress I don't understand the appeal of. She was terrible in The Girl in the Spider's Web and she was clearly outmatched by her more talented co-stars in First Man. This season she has popped up in a couple smaller roles (but both roles clearly are set-up for bigger appearances in future films), and she really doesn't bring anything to the table in them.

2. Ryan Potter
Ugh. Why must the studio's writers subject me to this insufferable, talentless menace? He has all the charm of a bag of rusty nails...

1. Asylum

Reviews were pretty mixed for this one. Some thought it worked well (for what it is) and were pleasantly surprised, while others (like myself) found the story jumbled, the characters inauthentic and the mystery unfulfilling.

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