Monday, December 17, 2018

Interview: Roy Horne

In this edition of Interview, Last Resort Films president Phil Dolan will sit down with Roy Horne (The Tower, Gargoyles) to discuss the latest news and upcoming films.

PD: Let's go ahead and address the elephant in the room right away. You were recently chosen to take over the God of War series following Carl Flimmer choosing to step down as writer. What can you tell the readers about your plans and vision for the series going forward?

RH: Well, first of all, I have to say how excited I am to be working on the sequel to God of War. The story is still in the planning stages, but the crux of my vision is to bring a more emotional element to the story by bringing it back to the beginning of the saga and showing how Kratos became what he is. There's a ton of mythology to pull from, so it should be fun to pick and choose what to include.

PD: You don't have any films coming out this season, but what do you think about this season so far?

RH: The box office appears to be a bit of an issue, but there have been some pretty solid films released like Halo 4, Outlaw Country, American Dream, Scion 2, Mandingos, among others. I'm also excited for some of the films yet to come out this season. The Mass Effect spin-offs are always interesting, and like many others I'm extremely excited to see more of Jake Gyllenhaal's Batman in Batman: Caped Crusader. I'm especially excited to see how APJ utilizes Man-Bat in his first big screen appearance.

PD: What's next for you?

RH: After the success of my first film, Perfect Blue, I have another anime adaptation in the works that should be out in the next couple of seasons. I obviously have God of War II in the works, but that's a ways off. I'm also in the early stages of writing Gargoyles 2, which can hopefully build off of what worked in the first film while expanding the mythology of the characters.

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