Monday, September 5, 2022

The Roundup with Jeff Stockton (Season 24 Round 1)

Welcome to Season 24. Here's The Roundup....

3. Knight Rider
I'll have more on this in the Bottom 3, but I will at least say that Knight Rider felt more coherent from a storytelling standpoint than some of wirter Joshua Collins' previous films.

2. Scalped
The first original series from LRF NOW is a solid crime series. It doesn't do anything spectacularly (outside of some of the casting), but it also doesn't do anything horribly. I look forward to a second season if it gets the opportunity.

1. The Big One
I really enjoyed The Big One. It was a clever story with a strong lead performance from Sadie Sink. Plus, with a Metascore of 80, I expect it to stick around come award season. Last season I boldly proclaimed that Season 24 had multiple masterpieces. I think I was proven right about that. This season, I am proclaiming that there are not a bunch of masterpieces. There will however be a lot of really good and borderline great films like The Big One (there might be a couple films some could call a masterpiece still though).

3. Knight Rider
This is a film that I think COULD have been really good if it really dove headfirst into its concept and had more fun with it. The film was competent, but it just wasn't any fun.

2. Box Office
The box office wasn't terrible this round, but it wasn't great either. If I had to imagine though, the studio was probably hoping for a little more.

1. Graduation Trip
The reviews pretty much said it all. It simply wasn't funny and that is all that matters with a comedy.

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