Thursday, October 13, 2022

Now Showing: Pocahontas

Genre: Historical/Adventure/Musical
Director: Gore Verbinski
Writer: Walter McKnight
Producer: Dwight Gallo
Based on the animated film
Cast: Amber Midthunder, Joe Alwyn, Alfred Molina, Gil Birmingham, Levi Miller, Rory McCann, Ewen Bremner, Grace Dove, Tatanka Means, Tantoo Cardinal

Plot: 1607 England. John Smith (Joe Alwyn), just 28 years old but already a legend in the British Navy both as a sailor and soldier, is tasked by the Virginia Company to captain a ship filled with settlers tasked with establishing a settlement in the New World. One board the ship, Governor Ratcliffe (Alfred Molina), who is set to be leader of the new colony, tells John that he will depending on him to deal with the native savages they will likely encounter. While out at sea, the ship sails into a treacherous storm. One of the younger members of the expedition, Thomas (Levi Miller), falls overboard while attempting to secure the ship's cannons. John ties a rope around his waist and hands the end to two members of the expedition, Ben (Rory McCann) and Lon (Ewen Bremner). They ask him what they are supposed to do. John simply tells them not to let go. John then dives into the water to rescue Thomas from the sea.

Pocahontas (Amber Midthunder) stands atop a tall waterfall in the so-called "New World". Her friend Nakoma (Grace Dove) tries to convince her to climb back down. Off in the distance, Pocahontas sees the English ship arriving at the continent. Pocahontas leaps from the top of the waterfall, diving expertly into the river below. She then runs through the forest until she makes it to her village. She informs her father, Chief Powhatan (Gil Birmingham), of what she has seen. Chief asks one of the tribe's finest warriors, Kocoum (Tatanka Means), to take a small group to see what is happening. Chief then tells his daughter that he still thinks she should marry Kocoum. Pocahontas rolls her eyes at her father, stating that Kocoum is not any fun and far too serious even if he is a strong warrior and handsome. Pocahontas visits her grandmother Willow (Tantoo Cardinal), the village's shaman and medicine woman for guidence on her future. Willow advises Pocahontas to listen with her heart and allow the spirits to guide her in her decisions.

The settlers make it to the shore and call their new settlement Jamestown, Virginia - after King James and the Virginia Company that financed their journey. Ratcliffe tasks John with exploring the surrounding area and to scout for natives. As soon as John leaves into the woods, Ratcliffe tells to the rest of the men that when the Spanish came to the New World, they found mounts of gold, and now they will do the same and become rich beyond their wildest dreams. Ben, Lon and most of the men become excited at the prospect, but Thomas seems wary of the plan. As John explores, he is secretly followed by a curious Pocahontas. John stops to drink water in a river when he notices the reflection of a native. He readies his gun and turns around, but stops in his tracks when he sees Pocahontas. He puts his gun down and tries to introduce himself. She runs away from him, and he follows her. He manages to catch up with her and tries to explain that he won't hurt her. They soon learn how to communicate with each other. Pocahontas asks where he came from, and John explains that he came from the other side of the ocean. He asks about her life, and Pocahontas descibes the beauty of the nature around them.

Ratcliffe has the settlers under his command digging along the coast for gold when he notices some Powhatan scouts, led by Kocoum, and assumes it is an ambush. He orders Ben and Lon to open fire on the savages, hitting one in the leg. The warriors retreat back to their village. When the Chief sees one of his men wounded, he declares that the white men are dangerous and all should stay away from them. Hearing the gunshots, John returns to Jamestown and Pocahontas returns to her village. When John arrives, Ratcliffe is telling the men to finish making a wall around their fort and to bring the ship's cannons ashore as the savages will likely come back in greater numbers next time.

A few days later, John and Pocahontas meet again while Pocahontas and Nakoma are in a field picking corn. Nakoma is shocked that the two are already acquainted. Pocahontas swears Nakoma to secrecy and goes off into the woods with John. He tells her that the settlers had come to this land looking for gold. She tells him that there is no gold in the area. They hear voices off in the distance calling out John's name. She asks John to meet her in that spot later at night. He agrees. When Pocahontas returns to her village, she finds that her father has called upon warriors from neighboring villages to stage an attack on Jamestown. Back in Jamestown, John informs Ratcliffe that there is no gold in the land of Virginia, but Ratcliffe does not believe him. Assuming that the natives have simply hidden all of the gold to keep for themselves, he delares that they must eliminate all of the native savages.

That night, Pocahontas sneaks off to meet with John. She warns John that her people are preparing for war against his. He says his people have been preparing for such a thing as well. She asks him to come to her village and speak with her father to try to avoid any fighting between their people. He agrees and gives her kiss, which is witnessed by Kocoum. He becomes enraged and attacks John. Before Pocahontas can break up the fight, Thomas arrives having been sent by Ratcliffe to find John. Thomas shoots Kocoum with a musket, killing him, to protect John. Pocahontas charges at Thomas to attack him, but John holds her back and tells her that hurting the kid won't bring her or her people any peace. He decides to take the blame for Kocoum's death and agrees to be taken prisoner by the Powhatan tribe. The Chief announces that John is to be executed at sunrise. Nakoma apologizes to Pocahontas, admitting that she sent Kocoum to find them. Pocahontas goes to the tent where John is being kept prisoner and asks to see him. Inside, she apologizes to him. He vows to be with her forever.

Thomas finally makes it back to the fort and announces that John has been captured by the natives. Ratliffe tells everyone that it is a sign from God that they must elimiate the savages and save their friend John Smith. Every able-bodied man in Jamestown arms themselves with whatever weapons they have. Ratliffe orders Thomas to lead them to where they can find the natives. The settlers of Jamestown follow Thomas through the woods.

John's words in the tent stick with Pocahontas, and she decides that she must stop the execution as it will only lead to war where neither people will actually win. She reaches Smith hust in time and throws herself over him, stopping her father from executing him. She tells the Chief that if she wants to kill John then he will will have to kill her as well. The Chief orders his daughter to step aside, but she refuses and says that she loves John. Chief Powhatan orders John Smith to be released. Just then Ratcliffe and the settlers arrive ready for battle. John runs toward them pleading with them not to attack. Ratcliffe orders the settlers to fire upon the natives anyway, but they refuse. Ratcliffe, angry, grabs a gun and fires it at the Chief himself - but John jumps into the way and is hit instead. The settlers then turn on Ratcliffe. Ben and Lon drag Ratcliffe back to the ship to be taken back to England for treason.

Chief Powhatan and Pocahontas bring John to see Willow, who is able to heal John's gunshot wound and save his life. The Chief thanks John for saving his life and tells John that he is proud that Pocahontas loves him.

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